Hardware News and Articles

NVidia Launches Project Shield Gaming Device


USB 3.0 Standard to Increase Data Throughput to 10Gbps


NEWS: News

Bringing new life to your trusty old laptop

KNOW-HOW: Revival

Tune Your Hard Disk with hdparm

Disk Inspector: Retrieving and setting hard drive parameters with hdparm


Hdparm is the tool to use when it comes to tuning your hard disk or DVD drive, but it can also measure read speed, deliver valuable information about the device, change important drive settings, and even erase SSDs securely.

Enable Support for Android MTP in KDE

Productivity Sauce


MariaDB Creators Launch Non-Profit Foundation


Inktank and SUSE Partner to Support SUSE Cloud


Why I Prefer KDE

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


The Problem of Menus

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog

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