Hardware News and Articles

Integrate Déjà Dup with Dolphin

Productivity Sauce


2013 on the Desktop

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


Setting up Raspberry Pi as a DHCP, NTP, and DNS server

KNOW-HOW: Little Service free

MakePlayLive Releases New Single-Board System

Open Hardware Collective Takes on the Big Vendors


The KDE Vivaldi tablet isn’t here yet, but its development team is proposing cooperative businesses and open hardware as the future of free software.

Intel's powerful new Xeon Phi co-processor

KNOW-HOW: Power Plant free

The not-so-unchanging desktop

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


Datamancer offers sturdiness with a Steampunk aesthetic

REVIEWS: Hands-On free

Hardware stress testing with Linux

FEATURES: Totally Stressed free

The One-Watt Server

Home Router as a Mini-Server


Many devices now run Linux – but mostly as closed source firmware that you cannot access. We show how to use OpenWrt to free the TL-MR3020 router from its proprietary firmware and convert it into an all-around server for your home network.

NEWS: Tech Tools free

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