Gnome 2.10 What’s new in Gnome 2.10

May 31, 2005

The new Gnome desktop adds a variety of applications and applets. Under the hood, Gnome 2.10 is more robust.

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DeskTOPia: WMI WMI and the reincarnation of the keyboard

Apr 30, 2005

WMI is a lean and fast window manager with good

support for keyboard control.

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Ktools: Basket Storing, sorting, and filing with KDE’s Basket

Apr 30, 2005

If you tend to collect information and then forget where you put it, a

KDE tool called Basket may be just what you need. Basket is a

handy container for documents, notes, images, sounds, graphs,

spreadsheets, and other files you may want to find later.

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KoolDock & KXDocker Working with KoolDock and KXDocker

Apr 30, 2005

If the KDE Kicker is not graphical, or spectacular enough for your taste,

you can dress up KDE with KoolDock or KXDocker.

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Mac on Linux Running Mac OS X under Linux

Apr 30, 2005

Emulators now give users the ability to run their beloved Mac OS X on Linux, bringing birds of a feather back together

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User-Mode Linux Getting started with User-Mode Linux

Apr 30, 2005

User-Mode Linux feels like Linux because it is Linux. You’ll find a hundred uses for this fast and sensible virtual Linux system

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Virtual Systems Intro Tools for virtual computing in Linux

Apr 30, 2005
Once you could only choose one operating system. Then you could choose more, but you had to reboot. In today’s worl......
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VMware 4.5.2 The PC Emulator VMware Workstation 4.5.2 for Linux

Apr 30, 2005

Version 4.5.2 of the commercial VMware PC emulator was released just recently. For many users, VMware is the preeminent virtual PC. In this article, we’ll tell you what’s new in VMWare Workstation 4.5.2, and we’ll show you how you can get started with running Linux in VMWare.

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