Samsung to Bring Linux to the Galaxy Phone

Nov 01, 2017

Samsung is testing Linux desktop for its DeX experience.

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Advanced Layout with LibreOffice Writer Looking Your Best on Paper

May 16, 2017

Some documents deserve extra attention to design and typographic detail.

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End of OpenOffice?

Sep 07, 2016

The Apache Software Foundation considers retiring OpenOffice

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Subverting LibreOffice Impress for Better Slide Shows Resisting the Lure of Bullet Point Presentations

Aug 24, 2016

Every hour of the work day, hundreds of presenters begin a slide show – and, as the presenters begin to drone, thousands of listeners lean back and do their best to stay awake and not look bored. Just as many users of word processors fail to learn how to use them properly, very few presenters ever learn a way to create a slide that holds an audience’s interest or conveys information successfully.

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How Free Software Got Its Fonts A History of Open Source Fonts

Jun 14, 2016

With the advent of free software for non-programmers, users ran into a licensing dilemma in a world of proprietary fonts.

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Krita: Coming Attractions Krita 3.0

May 17, 2016

Krita, a free sketching and painting program, has new features and improvements in version 3.0.

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Conditional Formatting in LibreOffice Spreadsheets Conditional Formatting

Nov 03, 2015

Integrate graphical information beside the data it represents with conditional formatting and sparklines.


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One Document for Multiple Uses Single Sourcing in LibreOffice Writer

Aug 11, 2015

With a little planning and a few LibreOffice tricks, you can create one document that contains text customized for various end users.

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