Fast Debian downloads

Last Considerations

Whether any or all of these scripts are worth setting up depends on what you download. If you regularly download ISO images, these scripts are worth considering. However, if your downloads are smaller, the scripts may not be worth your time if you have a modern computer – unless, of course, you are the kind of user who likes to squeeze every bit of speed from your hardware operations. Be aware, too, that how much faster you can make your downloads depends on your hardware and circumstances. In the best cases, you might double or triple your download speed. If you do try these scripts, make sure you back up /etc/apt/sources.list, just in case.

The Author

Bruce Byfield is a computer journalist and a freelance writer and editor specializing in free and open source software. In addition to his writing projects, he also teaches live and e-learning courses. In his spare time, Bruce writes about Northwest coast art ( He is also co-founder of Prentice Pieces, a blog about writing and fantasy at

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