Building project documentation from Markdown files

Publish on GitHub

The mkdocs build command generates a ready-to-publish static documentation site that you can upload to a remote server. To optimize the publishing process, you can create a shell script that uses rsync to push changes to the remote server every time you rebuild the documentation.

MkDocs has yet another clever feature that further simplifies the task of publishing documentation. If you happen to use GitHub, you can use MkDocs to deploy documentation to GitHub Pages. To do this, switch to the documentation project repository and run the mkdocs gh-deploy command. This publishes the documentation in the gh-pages branch of the project. That's all there is to it.


MkDocs is not the only documentation publishing tool out there. But if you need a solution that is easy to master, provides all basic capabilities right out of the box, and can grow with your needs, you should give MkDocs a try.

The Author

Dmitri Popov has been writing exclusively about Linux and open source software for many years. His articles have appeared in Danish, British, US, German, Spanish, and Russian magazines and websites. You can find more on his website at

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