Take the pain out of organizing files with the Qiplex apps

Tutorial – Qiplex Tools

Article from Issue 280/2024

The smart Qiplex apps Easy File Organizer and Smart File Renamer help you organize your filesystem in next to no time.

Over time, videos, images, documents, texts, and other data tend to accumulate in the filesystem. Restoring order to this mess of data is no problem under Linux – assuming, that is, that you know your way around complex shell commands at the command line. But a graphical user interface makes life easier. Qiplex [1] offers a range of apps to help you organize your filesystem. Qiplex Easy File Organizer and Smart File Renamer take care of organizing and renaming files.


There are commercial versions of the Qiplex apps and free versions with limited feature sets. You can purchase the commercial versions either individually or pay a flat rate for all of the Qiplex apps. You can also choose between a license term of one month, one year, or lifetime. The free version of any app can be downloaded from the Qiplex website. You are given a link that lets you download the commercial version after completing the purchase process. The apps are available as ready-to-use AppImage files (including quick guides) and as Snap packages [2].

Easy File Organizer

To restore order to your filesystem, the first thing you need to do is organize the files in folders. Easy File Organizer 3.3.3 from 2022 is currently the latest version available to help you with this. The free version of the app processes a maximum of 30 files per sort. After the first launch, click on Create new folder and select the folder with the files to be organized. The files can then be sorted according to a fairly complex catalog of criteria.


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