Linux Professional Institute

The sys admin's daily grind – Mosquitto

IN-DEPTH: No Insect Bites free

Fixing broken packages in Debian systems

LINUXUSER: Package Repair free

The sys admin's daily grind – httpstat

IN-DEPTH: My Point of View free

Security audits with Lynis

IN-DEPTH: Auditor free

The sys admin's daily grind – Searx

IN-DEPTH: Peppered with Hits free

Paperwork battles the increasing stacks of paper

LINUXUSER: Paperless free

systemd-networkd — Network configuration

FEATURES: Network Daemon free

The sys admin's daily grind: iWatch

FEATURES: In a Minute free

Sunflower – A small, highly configurable file manager

LINUXUSER: Sunrise free

DNS logging and tools

FEATURES: Data Retention free

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