Desktop News and Articles

Automating LibreOffice with macros

IN-DEPTH: Macro Maker free

KaOS 2022.06 Now Available with KDE Plasma 5.25


Coming of Age

Desktop Organization with Plasma Activities


If you haven't looked at Plasma Activities in awhile, you should take a second look. Recent updates make the tool the ultimate for organizing your desktop.

What’s Old Is News Again

The Return of the Tiling Window Manager


Tiling desktops have been experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Here are a few options that can help keep your desktop better organized.

Comparing LibreOffice and OpenOffice

IN-DEPTH: LibreOffice vs OpenOffice free

LibreOffice vs OpenOffice

The Clear Choice


While LibreOffice and OpenOffice have a shared past, LibreOffice outstrips OpenOffice in contributors, code commits, and features.

And … Action!

LINUX VOICE: Desktop Design with GTK4 free

A configurable, flexible image processing library

LINUX VOICE: Cornucopia free

Rendering a perfume bottle with Blender

LINUX VOICE: Tutorial – Blender free


An alternative search tool for LibreOffice Writer


AltSearch offers extended functionality to LibreOffice Write's default find and replace tools, making it the ideal for editing and formatting longer documents.

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