Reconsidering TweetDeck An Alternative Twitter Interface

Aug 27, 2021

Once a problem child on Linux, the Twitter client TweetDeck now installs easily, offering unrivaled features. However, potential changes in the updated beta version raise potential concerns for its future as an alternative Linux-based Twitter interface.

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The Latest Challenge to Copyleft Copilot

Jul 16, 2021

GitHub's Copilot takes code autocompletion to a new level but raises copyleft licensing issues.

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A Survey of Init Systems Init Alternatives

May 25, 2021

While most distros ship with systemd, init alternatives exist. Here are a few of the leading init systems available for Linux.

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Linux Kernel 5.4 Released

Nov 25, 2019

A number of new changes and improvements have reached the Linux kernel.

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Try Out the JADE Desktop Environment JADE for Jaded Users

Aug 01, 2019

This new desktop environment strives to offer something different, and while the design isn’t for everyone, it does introduce a couple of interesting features.

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Using Sudo Options to Enhance Security Sudo Security Voodoo

Apr 01, 2019

By taking the time to learn sudo's many options, you can make your system more secure with a little creativity.

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LibreOffice Writer Versus LaTeX Different Means to a Similar End

Jul 25, 2018

LibreOffice Writer and LaTeX both have their strengths and weaknesses, but at the end of the day they both produce high quality results.

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LibreOffice 6.0 Released

Feb 06, 2018

The new version comes with an experimental ribbon interface.

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