Bitcoin Basics Bitcoin Digital Currency

Jan 29, 2013

Bitcoin is a decentralized virtual currency, popular with hackers and the open source community. We’ll explain how the money is created and how it works.

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Maluuba nAPI Natural language processing with Maluuba’s nAPI

Jan 23, 2013

Add natural language processing to your own applications with Maluuba’s Natural Language API (nAPI).

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Avoiding Eye Strain Color Temperature Tools

Dec 28, 2012

Do you have problems getting to sleep after a late night computer session? Does the monitor brightness hurt your eyes? Several Linux tools are available that could help with these problems.

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Workspace: QuickNote and Geeknote Introduction to QuickNote and Geeknote

Dec 19, 2012

Sorting through the array of note-taking tools and their features can be overwhelming. We look at two applications that offer a simple approach.

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Yorba Desktop The Gnome Desktop and Beyond

Sep 10, 2012

At a time when many developers are focused on cloud applications, Yorba’s sights remain fixed firmly on the desktop.

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Practical Wine Building a Wine environment for Windows applications

Aug 06, 2012

More and more Windows applications run on Linux thanks to Wine. If you spend a little time on configuration and troubleshooting, you won’t be stuck in Windows – even with applications that no one dreamed would run on Linux.

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Fstransform Converting filesystems with Fstransform

Jul 24, 2012

Fstransform converts a filesystem without formatting the media or deleting any files.

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Byobu Byobu, a session manager for the command line

Jun 21, 2012

The Byobu session manager extends the shell, adding a range of useful functions, such as splitting the screen, running programs in the background, or organizing programs in tabs. In particular, administrators who rely on SSH will appreciate Byobu.

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