Wine 1.3.4 Brings ARM Support

Oct 04, 2010

Update addresses more than 50 bugs.

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Social Network Goes Open With Diaspora*

Sep 16, 2010

Control your privacy with this alternative.

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Adobe Issues Security Warning for Android Flash Player

Sep 15, 2010

Critical vulnerability, now for Android

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Court Upholds End-User License Agreements

Sep 13, 2010

Ruling has substantial repercussions for digital media/software.

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openSUSE Conference 2010 Announced

Sep 13, 2010

"Collaborate Across Borders" in Germany, to be specific.

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Mozilla Labs Launches Gaming Initiative

Sep 08, 2010

Platform based on open Web technologies.

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Ubuntu 10.10 Enters Beta

Sep 03, 2010

Try the Maverick Meerkat.

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Free Software Projects Etherpad and Mumble

Aug 31, 2010

Authors and editors can use EtherPad to edit a column online in real time. Then, anything they can’t handle in writing, they can discuss in detail by launching Mumble.

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