KDE SC 4.4 What’s new in KDE SC 4.4

Apr 28, 2010

Version 4.4 sees the KDe Software Compilation reach a status on par with the user friendliness and stability of good old KDe 3.5. On top of this, many features are new.

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Blu-ray Compliance Comes to x264

Apr 27, 2010

The x264 main developer from the VideoLAN open source project has announced that the x264 free H.264 encoder can now also create Blu-ray-quality video.

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Linux loses Steam

Apr 26, 2010

Linux Client Pulled from Valve Server

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Valve bringing Steam to Linux?

Apr 22, 2010

Newly discovered Linux code keeps the dream alive.

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Firefox Beta Survives Plugin Crashes

Apr 21, 2010

Firefox developers have relegated plugins to their own processes to prevent browser crashes. The version 3.6.4 beta encourages testing the new feature.

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Synaptics Gesture Suite comes to popular Linux distros

Apr 20, 2010

At long last, simple keystrokes and mouse clicks can be replaced with pinching and swiping.

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Read Later Mozilla Add-on

Apr 20, 2010

Matt Brubeck, newcomer to the Mozilla Fennec Fox team, has released his Read Later extension for mobile browsers that provides offline webpage reading.

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Banshee 1.6 Integrates with Ubuntu One Music Store

Apr 16, 2010

Access and purchase music from within the media player.

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