New products and updates

Aug 18, 2009

Professional users are always searching for an edge. Whether you work with Linux as a webmaster, programmer, system administrator, or security consultant, you know the best solution depends on finding the right tool for the job. We thought you might be interested in the following new products and updates.

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Unetbootin Installing distros on USB sticks with Unetbootin

Jul 31, 2009

Unetbootin lets users set up almost any distribution on a bootable USB stick.

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Charly's Column The sys admin's daily grind: TTYtter

Jul 31, 2009

Twitter, so everyone says, is modern, fun, sociologically illuminating and otherwise useless. Even Charly feeds a budgie – but at the console, it's a question of style.

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Workspace: Tonido Serves you right

Jul 31, 2009

This cloud-in-a-box serves up shared space for a jukebox, photos, blogs, file sharing, workspace apps, and more.

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Peek Presents Challenge: Linux on Peek

Jul 11, 2009

Peek presents the community a challenge to get Linux running on their small handhelds, without much fanfare.

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Newly Cooked: Krecipes for KDE 4

Jul 07, 2009

KDE developers ported the recipe management function in the transition from KDE 3 to 4. Amateur chefs can now consume the new version, although the meal isn't quite cooked to perfection, it still being in an alpha state.

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Gran Canaria: GNOME Zeitgeist Tracks What You've Done

Jul 06, 2009

"Where are the notes I took online while at the library Tuesday night?" A question such as this might be best answered by the likes of GNOME Zeitgeist.

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Ebook Readers Ebook readers for the Linux desktop

Jun 30, 2009

A netbook and a good ebook reader are all you need to mine the wealth of free ebooks glimmering from the depths of the web.

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