Home, Sweet Home: Sweet Home 3D 2.1 Linux Version

Oct 06, 2009

3D design applications are somewhat an anomaly among Linux. Sweet Home 3D proves that good, free programs now exist in that market.

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KDE 4.4 Address Book to use Akonadi

Oct 01, 2009

Akonadi is the magic word for data storage for the KDE 4 desktop. Unfortunately none of the KDE 4 apps really use it. The KDE address book, KAddressBook, should become the first to do so.

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Wine Improves 3D and MAPI Support

Sep 29, 2009

This past weekend the Wine project released a new version of its Windows emulator. Apart from the numerous obligatory bug fixes, the release includes improvements to the Direct3D 10 API and an initial support for the Open Audio Library (OpenAL).

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KDE: Project Silk Should Integrate Web

Sep 22, 2009

The KDE project's Sebastian Kügler dreams of a desktop that melts, like silk, into the Web. In a writeup to KDE developers he promotes Project Silk for better Web integration.

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New PowerPoint Import for KOffice

Sep 22, 2009

Since Nokia's takeover of Trolltech and the increased presence of Qt, the KOffice suite has been gaining prominence on mobile devices. Developers have been working on new import opportunities of Microsoft Office formats.

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Initial Spark for Nero 4

Sep 21, 2009

The Nero company has its latest Nero Linux 4 available now for download for $20.

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MacPorts and Fink Linux software on Mac OS X

Aug 31, 2009

An increasing number of Linux desktop users also run a Mac, and although the Mac has a lot of great programs, Linux has a lot of apps you can't get natively for the Mac.

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Aug 18, 2009
This month’s DVD includes the innovative SLAMPP Linux, a one-stop server system for small offices and home networks....
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