One-Laptop-Per-Child to Use ARM CPUs: Will Windows XP Follow?

Mar 13, 2009

The One-Lap-Per-Child (OLPC) project no longer wants to depend on x86 processors, but is moving to the power-saving ARM CPUs some time in the future. Only thing is, ARM isn't supported on Windows XP.

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Windows under Linux: CodeWeavers Has CrossOver Plans for 2009

Mar 10, 2009

Commercial Wine variant provider CodeWeavers peers into the crystal ball and sees Direct X 10, PhotoShop CS3 and Quicken 2009.

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Adeona Open source laptop tracking and recovery

Feb 28, 2009

If you use a laptop, you have a good chance of having it lost or stolen. Learn about Adeona, a reliable open source system that can help you locate your lost or stolen laptop.

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Feb 28, 2009


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Media Centers Exploring alternatives to MythTV

Feb 28, 2009

Beyond MythTV and VDR are media centers that take a new approach – or at least make the beaten track look a little different.

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Wiimote with Linux Using the Nintendo Wiimote with Linux

Feb 28, 2009

Nintendo's Wii game console includes the popular Wiimote control. Have you ever wondered whether the Wiimote works with Linux?

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Workspace: Netbook Photo Tools Effective netbook photo tools

Feb 28, 2009

Find out how to turn your netbook into a fabulous photo tool.

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European Open Route Service Complete

Feb 09, 2009

Based on OpenStreetMap and other Open Geodata technology, the Open Route Service now covers the whole of Europe.

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