Canonical Discusses Banshee Decision

Jan 12, 2011

Jason Warner, Ubuntu Desktop Manager for Canonical, discusses the ‘whys’ of the Banshee decision.

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Ubuntu to Evaluate LibreOffice for Natty Narwhal

Jan 03, 2011

Ubuntu Desktop Engineer at Canonical, Matthias Klose, announces that LibreOffice is being considered as an OpenOffice replacement in the upcoming Ubuntu 11.04 release, Natty Narwhal.

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Shotwell 0.8.0 Now Available

Dec 29, 2010

Yorba, developers of Shotwell, the open source photo manager for GNOME, announced that version 0.8.0 is now available.

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Free Software Projects Community Notebook

Dec 28, 2010

Being well organized is very important, and free software developers can benefit from efficient time management and planning. OpenHatch facilitates the coordination of open source projects, and GTD-Free helps structure your leisure time.

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K16 Introduced To Focus KDE's Future

Dec 21, 2010

"Where will KDE be in five years,"asks KDE e.V. board member, Frank Karlitschek, and the K16 planning meetings aim to focus community members 'visions' for the project to answer this question.

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Brazilian Ministry of Education Plans Mandriva Deployment

Dec 09, 2010

The Brazilian government education authority is set to deploy Intel-powered classmate PCs running Mandriva.

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KOffice Changes Name: Calligra Suite Project Announced

Dec 07, 2010

KDE continues KOffice development through the new Calligra Suite project.

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Linux New Media Launches Smart Developer

Nov 22, 2010

Lawrence, KS, USA: Linux New Media USA, LLC, announces the launch of Smart Developer , a new print publication for developers and decision makers in the mobile application development industry.

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