Vinux, Orca, and Gnome Linux accessibility

May 31, 2011

Accessibility for computer users with disabilities is one of the noblest goals for Linux and open source software. Vinux, Orca, and Gnome lead the way in Linux accessibility.

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Linux Mint 11 Fresh Release: Katya

May 26, 2011

The Linux Mint team announces its cool new version 11, aka "Katya."

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GNOME 3.0 Hits Desktops Today

Apr 06, 2011

"In the face of constant change, both in software technology itself and in people's attitudes toward it, long-term software projects need to reinvent themselves in order to stay relevant. I'm encouraged to see the GNOME community taking up this challenge, responding to the evolving needs of users and questioning the status quo," says Matt Zimmerman, Canonical CTO.

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Free Software Projects MuseScore, LilyPond, and Chordii

Mar 28, 2011

Linux is a wonderful and underrated audio production platform, with great applications for every audio task. MuseScore and LilyPond bring elegance and sophistication to score writing, and Chordii is a wonderfully simple guitar sheet-music maker.

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Command Line: SANE Control your scanner with SANE

Mar 01, 2011

Running your scanner from the command line offers greater control of tasks. We show you how to get started.

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The Document Foundation Announces LibreOffice Updates and Fundraising Accomplishments

Feb 23, 2011

The Document Foundation announced today that LibreOffice 3.3.1 with improved stability and new colorful icons is now available for download. The new icons are based on The Document Foundation branding guidelines, and includes updates to several language versions.

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Available Now Splashtop OS Featuring Chromium Browser

Feb 23, 2011

Announced today, Splashtop OS which features the Chromium browser and Bing search engine is now available for download.

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2D Unity Not on the Natty Plan Says Canonical

Jan 17, 2011

“It's not on the Natty plan for now, but we'll be evaluating the progresses and will consider adding a 3rd session option if the development goes as planned,” said David Barth, Desktop Experience Team, Engineering Manager at Canonical.

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