Scattershot Outlining in LibreOffice: A Survival Guide

Feb 02, 2021

LibreOffice offers many tools necessary for outlining, but not in an easy-to-use single module. Here’s a survival guide to get the most out of LibreOffice’s outlining features, along with a wish list for a better outlining tool.

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Advanced Features of LibreOffice Impress Impress at Work

Aug 18, 2020

Do more with LibreOffice Impress! It’s a great tool for creating outlines and flashcards, and it has many features and extensions that make it easy to pull together professional presentations.

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LibreOffice 7 Now Available

Aug 13, 2020

The LibreOffice 7 office suite is now available with important compatibility improvements.

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New KDE Slimbook Available

Jul 30, 2020

The makers of the KDE Slimbook have released a Ryzen-4000 powered laptop.

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PinePhone Now Offers a Convergence Package

Jul 21, 2020

The makers of the Linux PinePhone are now offering a model that makes desktop/mobile convergence a reality.

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Big Bad Beetle Blocks A Scratch-like language for 3D

Aug 20, 2018

Beetle Blocks is an interesting twist on the “block-building programming language” idea. Instead of a flat, boring plane, you move a beetle around 3D space, drawing cubes, spheres and all sorts of other shapes.

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KDE Plasma 5.13 Is Here

Jun 13, 2018

The desktop environment is designed to be more resource efficient.

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Choosing an Ebook Manager Buka, Calibre, and Lucidor

May 29, 2018

When it comes to organizing your online reading materials, the three main contenders on Linux are Buka, Calibre, and Lucidor. Read on to find out which one is right for you.

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