Nepomuk Nepomuk-KDE and the quest for the semantic desktop

Apr 30, 2013

Nepomuk extends the tools of the semantic web to desktop applications and files. We look under the hood at this exciting technology and show you what Nepomuk is doing right now on the new KDE desktop.

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Command Line – Aria2 Aria2 – Making your downloads sing your tune

Apr 30, 2013

Downloading files is central to modern computing. Whether you use your browser's function or rely on more specialized tools, you won't find a more versatile utility than Aria2.

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Exploring KDE 4.10 Just Before 5

Apr 07, 2013

KDE SC 4.10 was released six months after KDE 4.9, adding many new features. In the background, work is in full swing for the next generation, KDE Frameworks 5: a KDE based completely on Qt5 and QML.

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Canonical Announces Mir Display Server

Mar 11, 2013

New X replacement will support the Unity desktop in future Ubuntu releases.

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Coping with UEFI Coping with the UEFI boot process

Jan 23, 2013

The UEFI boot specification offers new capabilities – and new headaches – if you aren’t ready for it. Learn how one Linux user came to a truce with the new sheriff.

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Discovering the New Gnome Gnome starts to reinvent itself, cautiously

Dec 28, 2012

The last few years have been troubled for the Gnome Project. Once a premier desktop environment for Linux, it has seen its market share diminish amid user dissatisfaction over Gnome 3 and accusations that the project was ignoring users. Yet, over the last six months, something important has been happening: Slowly and quietly, the members of Gnome have started trying to turn the situation around.

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Tails Secure Distro Amnesiac Incognito

Dec 04, 2012

These days, security and privacy issues are increasingly making the news, but where can the average free software user learn more about safer practices? One of the best answers I have found is Tails, a Debian-based distribution that seems as much about teaching users to make informed decisions as about the software itself.

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Listaller Cross-platform software installation

Nov 26, 2012

A single uniform software installation tool for all distributions is still just a dream, but thanks to Listaller, this goal has come a little bit closer.

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