2D Unity Not on the Natty Plan Says Canonical

Jan 17, 2011

“It's not on the Natty plan for now, but we'll be evaluating the progresses and will consider adding a 3rd session option if the development goes as planned,” said David Barth, Desktop Experience Team, Engineering Manager at Canonical.

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Ubuntu Unity Demo

Dec 10, 2010

Jono Bacon, Ubuntu Community Manager, recorded a short demonstration of the current state of Unity.

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KOffice Changes Name: Calligra Suite Project Announced

Dec 07, 2010

KDE continues KOffice development through the new Calligra Suite project.

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Linux Mint 10 "Julia" is now available!

Nov 12, 2010

The popular, Ubuntu 10.10 based, Linux distribution released Linux Mint 10 today.

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Sony Opens Android Developer Site

Oct 13, 2010

Site created with Google TV in mind.

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Workspace Creating an OpenOffice.org Extension

Sep 28, 2010

Dmitri shows how to create an OpenOffice.org extension from scratch and introduces a useful extension packaging tool.

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openSUSE Conference 2010 Announced

Sep 13, 2010

"Collaborate Across Borders" in Germany, to be specific.

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Ubuntu 10.10 Enters Beta

Sep 03, 2010

Try the Maverick Meerkat.

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