Qt 4.6 and KDE 4.4 Test driving some new features of KDE 4.4

Feb 24, 2010

Qt 4.6 passes a collection of new functionalities to KDE 4.4. We’ll show you the animation framework and KDE’s new multi-touch feature.

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KDE Sub-Project for Real Time Communication

Feb 24, 2010

Chat, instant messaging and video communication: the KDE Real Time Communication and Collaboration (RTCC) project wants to improve the integration of real time communication into the desktop environment.

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Plasmate: Mini-IDE for Plasmoids

Feb 12, 2010

The KDE project has released a first alpha version of Plasmate. The small development environment is meant for writing Plasmoid applets for the KDE4 desktop.

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Yoper 2010 RC1 with KDE 4.4

Feb 11, 2010

Tobias Gerschner has made a release candidate of Yoper 2010 available for download. The version already includes the new KDE 4.4 as a desktop.

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Oracle Lays Off Accessibility Leader

Feb 11, 2010

The leader of the Gnome accessibility team, Will Walker, has until now worked for the Accessibility Program Office from Sun, which after the Oracle take-over melted into the relevant APO at Oracle.

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Absolute Linux 13.0.9 Reinstates K3b

Feb 10, 2010

The new Absolute Linux, based on Slackware, provides the IceWM stacking window manager with improved multimedia support. Version 13.0.9 this time fixes more than just a couple of small bugs.

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Resurrected: KBluetooth

Feb 03, 2010

KDE developer Alex Fiestas has taken on the orphaned KDE Bluetooth. The first release under his supervision, Kbluetooth 0.4, has now been released.

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CeBIT Open Source Project Lounge -- LiMux LiMux - the Open Source Client of the City of Munich

Feb 02, 2010

LiMux is among the 15 projects that will present their work at CeBIT, the famous government client project of the City of Munich.

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