Kamoso 1.0: Webcam Tool for KDE 4

Oct 13, 2009

Cheese is a simple yet practical graphic tool that has been available to Gnome users for quite a while. Kamoso now provides KDE fans with their own solution.

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Code Statistics: KDE Costs 175 Million Dollars

Oct 12, 2009

The official KDE Project currently consists of 4.2 million lines of code. Cornelius Schumacher has applied the lines to individual projects and published the stats.

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OpenDesktop Community Choose Winners of Desktop Contest

Oct 12, 2009

About-information from developer profiles, desktop searches in online forums, an interface library and update notification of web page content bring the concept of a social desktop a step closer to reality.

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Opensuse 11.2 Last Beta

Oct 02, 2009

The now released test version of openSUSE 11.2 is to be the last beta. The first release candidate will appear mid-October.

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Ubuntu Karmic Koala Enters Beta Test

Oct 02, 2009

Like openSUSE, the Ubuntu project has released its first beta version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala). The final version should appear October 29.

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Tenth Anniversary Test: Live CD for Gentoo Linux 10.0

Sep 28, 2009

The Gentoo project is celebrating its tenth anniversary, which inspired the Gentoo-Ten team to produce a special DVD that is now available in a test version.

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Moblin Brings 2.0 and More

Sep 28, 2009

Moblin 2.0 is officially ready for download and provides new services for mobile devices with Moblin Garage and Application Installer.

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GNOME 2.28 Switches to WebKit

Sep 25, 2009

GNOME 2.28 provides a few new features and improvements to well-known functions and components. So the GNOME Epiphany browser now uses the sleak WebKit that makes apps such as Google Chrome work faster.

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