Kget with Increased Capability

Aug 19, 2009

Working within the context of his Google Summer of Code project, Matthias Fuchs has vastly improved the KDE download manager Kget.

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Aug 18, 2009
This month’s DVD includes the innovative SLAMPP Linux, a one-stop server system for small offices and home networks....
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New products and updates

Aug 18, 2009

Professional users are always searching for an edge. Whether you work with Linux as a webmaster, programmer, system administrator, or security consultant, you know the best solution depends on finding the right tool for the job. We thought you might be interested in the following new products and updates.

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PDF Mod Reworks PDF Pages

Aug 05, 2009

Gabriel Burt, desktop developer at Novell, has reported progress with his PDF Mod tool. The new GNOME program allows for switching pages and other useful trickery with PDF documents.

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KDE 4.3.0 "Caizen" Released

Aug 05, 2009

KDE has announced version 4.3.0 of its Linux desktop. "Caizen" fixes bugs and provides some new enhancements.

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OpenSUSE Users Wish Return of KDE

Aug 04, 2009

Up to Novell's takeover of the Suse Linux AG, KDE was without doubt the preferred default for the German distribution. Now openSUSE users are increasingly demanding the return of KDE as default desktop.

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Debian Squeeze: KFreeBSD, Dash and Automatic Debug Packages

Aug 04, 2009

The Debian project is planning a whole series of enhancements for Debian 5.0 "Squeeze." A few results of the currently running Google Summer of Code are beginning to creep into it.

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Stable Clutter: GUI Library Achieves Version 1.0.0

Jul 31, 2009

The Clutter project has made available version 1.0.0 of its user interface library. Clutter is not only the basis for the Moblin GUI, but the foundation for the upcoming GNOME 3.0 interface.

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