OpenSUSE 11.2 Arrives

Nov 12, 2009

The openSUSE project took an exceptionally long time to get its current version 11.2 to market. It's been almost a year since openSUSE 11.1.

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Sidux 2009-03: Debian Derivative Brings KDE 4.3.2

Nov 12, 2009

With Sidux 2009-03, code-named Momos, the Sidux project provides the next version of its distro based on Debian sid.

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GNOME 2.30 in March, 3.0 Not Until September 2010

Nov 10, 2009

Following some lengthy discussion about the release milestone for the upcoming GNOME Linux desktop major version, September 2010 was finally determined for GNOME 3.0.

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Matthias Ettrich Awarded German Medal of Merit

Nov 09, 2009

KDE founder Matthias Ettrich was awarded the highest accolade available in the German Republic for services to the common good on Friday.

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Mandriva 2010.0: Faster and More Stable

Nov 05, 2009

The new Mandriva 2010.0 has been ready for download since yesterday. After a month's delay, the French distributor has released the current version, code-named Adelie, for free. Some important changes were made.

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Project Timelord: Kubuntu to Become Even Better

Nov 04, 2009

Kubuntu isn't as good as it could be. That was the conclusion developers came to after version 9.10 was released. Project Timelord should now address that concern.

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Smoother Going with KDE 4.3.3

Nov 04, 2009

The KDE project has released an update of its free desktop environment. KDE 4.3.3, code-named Clockwork, brings translation improvements and fixes a few bugs.

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GNOME Cleartext Passwords: Bug or Feature?

Nov 02, 2009

The current discussion in the Ubuntu forums is about a possible security hole in GNOME, specifically about GNOME registered users having their passwords appear as cleartext on the keyring. Not a bug, say its defenders, but the security concept behind the GNOME keyring.

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