Common Keyring: KDE and GNOME Combine Password Management Efforts

Jul 20, 2009

KDE and GNOME developers drafted a secret storage API designed to be a common interface for desktop applications that need to store passwords and other confidential data.

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Amarok to Palm: "Forget Apple, Come to Us!"

Jul 17, 2009

Open source project Amarok, in an open letter to Palm, has invited the company to work with them. The reason: the Apple iTunes 8.2.1 update guarantees that the Linux-based Palm Pre smartphone can no longer use the iTunes music management software.

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Sidux 2009-02: New Kernel and KDE 4.2

Jul 16, 2009

The Sidux Linux distro now appears in version 2009-02 as based on Debian and with Kernel 2.6.30, KDE 4.2.4 and free sofware as usual.

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Akademy Awards 2009 – Winners Announced

Jul 09, 2009

The purpose of the Desktop summit on Gran Canaria is not only to improve cooperation and collaboration between the Gnome and KDE developers. As every year, a select few KDE developers will receive the project specific Akademy Award. We will introduce the winners.

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Mutter: Window Manager in GNOME's Future

Jul 08, 2009

GNOME developer Thomas Thurman describes the future of the Metacity 2 window manager in a project blog. Apparently a new GNOME component named Mutter will be taking over its functions.

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Gran Canaria Desktop Summit: Akonadi for the Integrated Desktop

Jul 05, 2009

The Cross-Desktop Metadata track at this year's Gran Canaria Summit highlighted developer activity targeting central storage of contact data, email and other personal information.

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Gran Canaria Desktop Summit: Better Audio for Free Desktops

Jul 05, 2009

On the second day of the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, Gnome and KDE developers have been focused on topics surrounding meta data, community, and infrastructure. Concerning multimedia, audio support for the open source desktop has proved to be a hot topic.

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Gran Canaria Desktop Summit: KDE and Gnome Formulate Common Goals

Jul 05, 2009

On the first day of the joint developer conference on Gran Canaryia, representatives of the desktop projects Gnome and KDE formulated common goals for their future development.

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