Rekonq 0.4.0 with Ad-Blocker and Plugin Controller

Mar 18, 2010

Based on the Webkit engine, the KDE browser Rekonq concentrates on providing the best possible web experience. Version 0.4.0 comes with a variety of new features.

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Ubuntu One Music Store: Tops or Flop?

Mar 17, 2010

Music seems to be a viable income stream also under Linux. After Amarok and Rhythmbox have earned at least a few hundred bucks with Magnatune, Ubuntu is now breaking into the market as well.

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Desktop Summit 2011: Akademy and Guadec Reunited in 2011

Mar 17, 2010

Following the success of the Desktop Summit in 2009 and separate events in 2010, Akademy and Guadec will again meet in a combined event in 2011. Organizers are now looking for a venue.

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GNOME Developer Kit Slimmed Down

Mar 10, 2010

The GNOME Developer Kit is a Linux distro based on Foresight Linux. Its new release shows a somewhat reduced collection of software for GNOME developers.

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KDE OBS Generator Builds KDE Packages for Various Distros

Mar 09, 2010

Building distro-specific packages is not one of the strengths of most developers. The KDE OBS Generator should solve this problem with the help of openSUSE Build Services.

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Progress with openSUSE 11.3

Mar 08, 2010

The openSUSE project has released milestone 3 of its version 11.3 right on schedule. The update to GCC 4.5 has unfortunately caused a few problems.

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CeBIT 2010: Plug Computer with Ubuntu

Mar 02, 2010

The Cirrus Plug 3.0 from Ionics with 2GHz ARM processor, WLAN b/g, Bluetooth, and internal 120GB hard disk is about the size of a Coke can. The device is displayed at CeBIT Hall 2.

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CeBIT 2010: Plug Computer with Ubuntu

Mar 02, 2010

The Cirrus Plug 3.0 from Ionics with 2GHz ARM processor, WLAN b/g, Bluetooth, and internal 120GB hard disk is about the size of a Coke can. The device is displayed at CeBIT Hall 2.

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