Akademy 2010: Call for Papers

Feb 02, 2010

The call for papers has begun for the annual developers conference, Akademy.

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Zarafa Releases Community Version 6.40 RC1

Feb 01, 2010

The Dutch-German groupware producer Zarafa has just made the first version of its collaboration platform 6.40 ready for testing.

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KDE 4.3.5 Repairs Directory Issues

Jan 27, 2010

For the fifth bugfix and translation update for the KDE Software Compilation 4.3, developers tackled among other things some hideous directory manifestations.

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Media Player Roundup Comparing Linux media players

Jan 26, 2010

We compare some popular Linux media players, including Banshee, Rhythmbox, Amarok, and Songbird.

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KDE Wants Open Cloud

Jan 25, 2010

A new subproject named ownCloud has emerged from the KDE Camp 2010 conference in San Diego.

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First Developer Version of GNOME Activity Journal

Jan 20, 2010

Following over a year's worth of work the GNOME Activity Journal now appears in its first developer version, 0.3.2. The Zeitgeist framework it uses assumes the same version number.

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Open-PC Begins to Take Shape

Jan 19, 2010

The Open-PC project initiated by KDE board member Frank Karlitschek has released the specifications for its first computer. The desktop with dual-core Atom processor is due to arrive in February 2010.

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GNOME 3.0: Fear Not!

Jan 18, 2010

Does GNOME 3.0 necessarily need 3D acceleration? Do GNOME 2.0 apps run under 3.0? A website tries to provide answers to some unsettling questions.

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