Putting LibreOffice in the Cloud Collabora Online

Feb 19, 2018

The Collabora Online developers rethink LibreOffice's long-time interface.

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What’s Taking Wayland So Long? Waiting for Wayland

Oct 17, 2017

What do we do now? 
Yes, but while waiting. 
What about hanging ourselves? 

– Samuel Beckett, Waiting for Godot


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Final Ubuntu Desktop 17.10 Beta Arrives

Oct 03, 2017

Ubuntu completes the cycle of life and goes back to letter A and Gnome.

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Advanced Layout with LibreOffice Writer Looking Your Best on Paper

May 16, 2017

Some documents deserve extra attention to design and typographic detail.

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Subgraph Security Meets Accessibility

Oct 18, 2016

Subgraph OS is designed with built-in, accessible security features and a modern desktop.

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Customizing KDE Plasma Beyond Wallpaper

Mar 22, 2016

The KDE Plasma desktop environment has so many configuration options, it scares some users away. We look at some of the options to get you started.

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Qubes OS: Build in Security with Virtualization Bulkheads on the Desktop

Jan 27, 2016

Qubes OS compartmentalizes every activity on your desktop in its own VM.

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Mate 1.1 Arrives

Jun 17, 2015

Popular desktop environment continues the Gnome 2 legacy – with new support for the Gnome 3 toolkit.

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