EncryptPad is a handy text editor with encryption

Binary Files

EncryptPad also lets you encrypt binary files. You create a new key or decide to use an existing one. Say no when you are asked whether the software should use the key with this file.

In the next step, click on the fifth icon from the left with the crossed green arrows. It is labeled File Encryption. The selection is already set to Encrypt; below that you select either EPD or GPG as the file format. You should only use EPD if you want to use a passphrase and a key. If you will only be using one of these options, change the format to GPG to retain compatibility with OpenPGP.

Now select the file to encrypt as the Input File. The editor automatically suggests the path and name of the output file; normally, you will not need to change anything. Enter the storage location for the key or set a password (Figure 6).

Figure 6: EncryptPad opens a new dialog for encrypting binary files. Both GPG and the native EPD are available as formats.

If you use both a key and a password, it is possible to store the key persistently in the file. You will be protecting the file with a passphrase. But if you choose GPG as the format, this option has no effect. Click on Start. The encryption process can take some time, depending on the size of the file you wish to encrypt.


EncryptPad is a simple text editor that provides symmetric encryption as well as data integrity through SHA-1. You can also use EncryptPad to encrypt binary files.

The developer points out that the software is still beta and is therefore not yet suitable for use in critical areas. The documentation [9] on the website is extensive and covers tutorials, technical backgrounds, and known weaknesses.

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