Photo location guessing game in Go


Schnitzle is a lot of fun; try it out! Sometimes it's surprisingly difficult to determine the compass direction in your head in order to even walk from one part of town to another, as depicted in the photos. I was often surprised by the results, even for locations that I thought I was very familiar with. The game offers hours of entertainment for the whole family when you trawl long-forgotten photos from years gone by from the depths of a massive image collection.


  1. Wordle:
  2. Worldle:
  3. K-means algorithm:
  4. "Calculating Clusters with AI Methods" by Mike Schilli, Linux Magazine, issue 145, December 2012, p. 62
  5. Unsupervised learning:
  6. kmeans library on GitHub:
  7. "Adjusting Cell Phone Photo Orientation with Go" by Mike Schilli, Linux Magazine, issue 257, April 2022, p. 52
  8. "Calculate distance, bearing and more between Latitude/Longitude points":
  9. "Game Development with Go and the Fyne Framework" by Mike Schilli, Linux Magazine, issue 255, February 2022, p. 32
  10. "Discarding Photo Fails with Go and Fyne" by Mike Schilli, Linux Magazine, issue 254, January 2022, p. 40

The Author

Mike Schilli works as a software engineer in the San Francisco Bay Area, California. Each month in his column, which has been running since 1997, he researches practical applications of various programming languages. If you email him at he will gladly answer any questions.

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