Issue #273 / Aug 2023

Cover Theme: Podcasting

DVD: Linux Mint 21.1 Cinnamon and openSUSE Leap 15.5

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Designing cross-platform GUI apps with Fyne

IN-DEPTH: Platform Agnostic free

Network knowledge at your fingertips with NetBox

IN-DEPTH: Truth Teller free

Algorithm-driven team building

IN-DEPTH: Programming Snapshot – Go Algorithms free

Scoreboards and Video Routing in Python

Scorekeeper free

LINUX VOICE: Linux Voice Introduction free

Not Intelligent

LINUX VOICE: Doghouse – AI free

Detect duplicates with fdupes

LINUX VOICE: Double Trouble free

Sparkling gems and new releases from the world of Free and Open Source Software


Edit landscape photos with RawTherapee 5.9

LINUX VOICE: Tutorial – RawTherapee Workshop free

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