
Script Mods

CoffeeScript, Dart, Elm, and TypeScript

Aug 02, 2017

JavaScript is the stuff of which many interactive web clients is made, but it comes with a fair amount of historical ballast. The creators of four alternative scripting languages seek to ditch the ballast.

Modular Kit

Installer framework Calamares at a glance

Jul 10, 2017

Calamares helps you create simplified routines for installing a distribution, but there are some pitfalls, as we explain.

Unmasking Fake Flash Memory

Test real and fake disks for bad blocks

Jul 10, 2017

When it comes to cheap flash memory, buyers should beware. Fake flash memory often offers only a fraction of the advertised storage capacity. With no visible calibration mark, it isn't easy to discover a counterfeit. Here's a test to weed out fake disks.

Tutorials – Apache Spark

Highly Parallel Programming with Apache Spark

Aug 02, 2017

Churn through lots of data with cluster computing on Apache's Spark platform.

Nextcloud Education Edition: File Hosting for Schools

File Hosting for Schools

Aug 16, 2017

Nextcloud, a fork of the ownCloud file hosting service, has released a version for university and research institutions that was created in cooperation with partners in open source and higher education.

Start Assist

Boot Repair Disk

Jun 03, 2017

Sometimes things go wrong when you are installing an operating system on a hard disk drive or SSD. A boot repair disk gets your boot configuration back on its feet, quickly.

Tutorials – Systemd

Systemd Services 101

Jun 03, 2017

Take control of the services running on your Linux machine


Editing PDF documents with Master PDF Editor 4

Jul 10, 2017

The commercial software tool Master PDF Editor 4 lets you edit the most important portable document format of our times.

DIY Maps

Maps with uMap

Jun 03, 2017

uMap provides an easy way to create advanced maps based on the OpenStreetMap service. This article explains how to put uMap's features and functionality to practical use.


Secure your logins with two-factor authentication

Jun 03, 2017

Add an extra layer of protection with one-time passwords.

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