
Advanced Layout with LibreOffice Writer

Looking Your Best on Paper

May 16, 2017

Some documents deserve extra attention to design and typographic detail.

Fifth Generation

New features in digiKam 5

Mar 02, 2017

The freshly released digiKam 5 boasts a number of new features, brings many improvements, and ditches some legacy ballast.

A PC for the People

Endless OS – A PC for Emerging Countries

Mar 28, 2017

Endless OS is a Debian-based Linux for users who might not have access to the Internet.

Easy Apps

Create mobile apps with Qt Creator

Mar 02, 2017

Find out how to create a cross-platform app with the veteran tool Qt Creator.

Tutorials – WM Tiling

Master Your Desktop Be a Window Wizard

Mar 02, 2017

Regular window managers are so 2016 – install a tiling WM and work faster, smarter, and cooler.

OpenChain Offers Open Source Specification, Education, and Conformance

OpenChain Specification

May 01, 2017

What makes software open source? What obligations does using a free license involve? Answers to such questions are available online but require research to find – or did until recently.

Taking Stock

Inventory software on Linux

Feb 03, 2017

As a network grows in size, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep track of hardware, software, licenses, and infrastructure. Inventory solutions can provide significant relief.

Exposure Time

Static galleries with Expose

Feb 03, 2017

Expose offers a wide range of configurable options for publishing static photo and video galleries in an easy-to-use tool.


Encrypt files and folders with TruPax 9

Jan 03, 2017

The TruPax tool specializes in encrypting small datasets to safeguard your data from prying eyes.

The Email Upgrade

Social networking the FOSS way

Feb 03, 2017

Forget email: Bitmessage harnesses the power of public key cryptography to create a decentralized, trustless P2P communications protocol. Messages are virtually impossible to spoof or tap.

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