Issue 34: Linux Shell Handbook 2019 Edition Mar 2019

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Cover Theme: Super Charge Your Linux Skills

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Think like the experts: The powerful Bash shell provides a comprehensive collection of utilities for configuring and troubleshooting Linux systems.

Before the icons, menus, and wobbly windows of the modern Linux user environment, users managed and interacted with their systems from the command line. Many advanced users still prefer to work from the keyboard, and many will tell you that exploring the command-line environment is the best way to build a deeper understanding of Linux.

The Linux Shell Handbook is a thorough primer on the Bourne Again Shell (Bash) environment found on most Linux systems. You’ll learn to navigate, manipulate text, work with regular expressions, and customize your Bash settings. We’ll show you shell utilities for configuring hardware, setting up users and groups, managing processes, and installing software – and we’ll even help you get started creating your own Bash scripts to automate recurring tasks. Keep the Linux Shell Handbook beside your computer as a permanent desktop reference on the world of the terminal window.

Also in this must-have special issue:

  • Introducing Bash
  • File Management
  • Search Tools
  • Regular Expressions
  • Pipes and Redirection
  • Customizing Bash
  • Text Manipulation Tools
  • Hardware Configuration
  • fdisk, gdisk, and parted
  • Configuring Filesystems
  • mount and fstab
  • Time Tools
  • Users and Groups
  • Accessing Permissions
  • su and sudo
  • Managing Processes
  • Package Tools
  • dd and mkmisofs/genisoimage/xorrisofs
  • Networking Tools
  • SSH
  • FTP
  • Rsync
  • Wireless
  • Cron and At
  • Bash Scripting
  • Images and PDFs
  • Next Steps – Linux Certification

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Issue 33: Discover LibreOffice Nov 2018

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Cover Theme: Discover LibreOffice

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Free Office Suite

Explore the free office suite used by busy professionals around the world!

Get Started

Introducing LibreOffice
Why pay for an office productivity suite? LibreOffice is totally free, and it runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

LibreOffice Writer
Writer, LibreOffice's word-processor component, is more than just a text editor. With its powerful styles system, you can build detailed and elegant documents for business and personal use.

LibreOffice Calc
LibreOffice Calc offers the functionality of Excel with added benefits.

LibreOffice Impress
Need to impress your boss with the latest sales stats? Or just show off some holiday photos in an eye-catching format? Impress is the tool you need.

LibreOffice Draw
With LibreOffice Draw, you can create attractive and informative vector-based drawings.

LibreOffice Base
We show you how to set up a database in LibreOffice Base and search it with SQL queries embedded in forms.

LibreOffice Math
The LibreOffice Math package lets you display simple and complex formulas.

Get Productive

Open Document Format
The Open Document Format standard is an important reason for the success of LibreOffice.

LibreOffice Extensions
You can extend the power of LibreOffice with over 350 useful extensions.

LibreOffice Templates
LibreOffice templates can save you time with formatting your documents, so you can focus on the important stuff.

LibreOffice Macros
LibreOffice packs a built-in Basic-like scripting language that can be used to automate repetitive tasks and extend the suite's default functionality.

LibreOffice Typography
LibreOffice Writer is a serviceable desktop publisher with more typography features than most users imagine.

Digital Signatures
Sign your LibreOffice documents to guarantee integrity, authenticity, and non-repudiation.


Collabora Online
Are you already thinking about the possibilities of LibreOffice in the cloud? Collabora Online is a powerful solution for running LibreOffice in an on-premise web configuration.

LibreOffice at Work
Can you use LibreOffice in a corporate environment? What potential problems will you need to consider?

Good communication and careful planning are the keys to a successful LibreOffice migration.

PDF Formats
There's more to PDFs than just document portability. Picking the right PDF format depends on your end goal. Here's a guide to PDF formats and the PDF tools to produce them.

You may have heard that LibreOffice files "are XMLbased" or "use XML," but when you try to open a Writer document in a text editor, you only see a binary blob. Learn how to access and modify the hidden XML content using scripts.

Hidden Gems of LibreOffice
Discover some hidden and lesser known LibreOffice features.

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Issue 32: Getting Started with Linux 2nd Ed. Aug 2018

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Cover Theme: Getting Started with Linux

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More Powerful, More Secure, More Fun!

"Getting Started with Linux" offers you all you need to install and explore the powerful Linux operating system. Join the Linux revolution!

Getting Started

Installing openSUSE
We show you how to install Linux using the openSUSE Leap DVD attached to this issue.

Managing openSUSE with YaST
YaST is the openSUSE system control center.

Lock down your system with these security tools.

Plasma Desktop
openSUSE’s KDE Plasma desktop is not only pretty, it is piled high with cool features.

Linux Crash Course
A tour of some important Linux concepts will help you start to think like an experienced user.


Multimedia Players
Watch videos, play music, and stream Internet radio stations.

Backup with Déjà Dup
Implement a comprehensive backup plan to protect your data.

Run windows programs in Linux.

Tor Browser
Surf the Internet anonymously on the Tor network with the Tor Browser.


KDE’s Personal Information Managers
KDE Plasma’s PIM tools help you organize your contacts, calendars, and email efficiently.

Manage your photo collection with this useful desktop too!

For many users, the web browser is the most important application.

LibreOffice Office Suite
LibreOffice is an open source office suite with a word processer, database, spreadsheet, presentation tool, and more.

Photo Processing
with Gimp Touch up your digital images with the Gimp image processing tool.


Games on Linux
Linux supports a variety of games and game platforms.

Retro Gaming
Linux, an emulator, and a joystick are all you need to play classic computer games from the 1980s and 1990s.

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Issue 31: Linux Shell Handbook 9th Ed. Jan 2018

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Digital Issue: Price $15.99
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Cover Theme: Super Charge Your Linux Skills

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Think like the experts: The powerful Bash shell provides a comprehensive collection of utilities for configuring and troubleshooting Linux systems.

Before the icons, menus, and wobbly windows of the modern Linux user environment, users managed and interacted with their systems from the command line. Many advanced users still prefer to work from the keyboard, and many will tell you that exploring the command-line environment is the best way to build a deeper understanding of Linux.

The Linux Shell Handbook is a thorough primer on the Bourne Again Shell (Bash) environment found on most Linux systems. You’ll learn to navigate, manipulate text, work with regular expressions, and customize your Bash settings. We’ll show you shell utilities for configuring hardware, setting up users and groups, managing processes, and installing software – and we’ll even help you get started creating your own Bash scripts to automate recurring tasks. Keep the Linux Shell Handbook beside your computer as a permanent desktop reference on the world of the terminal window.

Also in this must-have special issue:

  • Introducing Bash
  • File Management
  • Search Tools
  • Regular Expressions
  • Pipes and Redirection
  • Customizing Bash
  • Text Manipulation Tools
  • Hardware Configuration
  • fdisk, gdisk, and parted
  • Configuring Filesystems
  • mount and fstab
  • Time Tools
  • Users and Groups
  • Accessing Permissions
  • su and sudo
  • Managing Processes
  • Package Tools
  • dd and mkmisofs/genisoimage/xorrisofs
  • Networking Tools
  • SSH
  • FTP
  • Rsync
  • Wireless
  • Cron and At
  • Bash Scripting
  • Images and PDFs
  • Next Steps – Linux Certification

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Issue 30: Getting Started with Linux Oct 2017

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Digital Issue: Price $15.99
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Cover Theme: Getting Started with Linux

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More Powerful, More Secure, More Fun!

"Getting Started with Linux" offers you all you need to install and explore the powerful Linux operating system. Join the Linux revolution!

Getting Started

Installing openSUSE
We show you how to install Linux using the openSUSE Leap DVD attached to this issue.

Managing openSUSE with YaST
YaST is the openSUSE system control center.

Lock down your system with these security tools.

Plasma Desktop
openSUSE’s KDE Plasma desktop is not only pretty, it is piled high with cool features.

Linux Crash Course
A tour of some important Linux concepts will help you start to think like an experienced user.


Multimedia Players
Watch videos, play music, and stream Internet radio stations.

Backup with Déjà Dup
Implement a comprehensive backup plan to protect your data.

Run windows programs in Linux.

Tor Browser
Surf the Internet anonymously on the Tor network with the Tor Browser.


KDE’s Personal Information Managers
KDE Plasma’s PIM tools help you organize your contacts, calendars, and email efficiently.

Manage your photo collection with this useful desktop too!

For many users, the web browser is the most important application.

LibreOffice Office Suite
LibreOffice is an open source office suite with a word processer, database, spreadsheet, presentation tool, and more.

Photo Processing
with Gimp Touch up your digital images with the Gimp image processing tool.


Games on Linux
Linux supports a variety of games and game platforms.

Retro Gaming
Linux, an emulator, and a joystick are all you need to play classic computer games from the 1980s and 1990s.

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Issue 29: Linux Shell Handbook 8th Ed. Feb 2017

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Digital Issue: Price $15.99
(incl. VAT)

Cover Theme: Discover the Language of the Linux Experts

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Save 15% on Linux Certification, see details inside!

Think like the experts: The powerful Bash shell provides a comprehensive collection of utilities for configuring and troubleshooting Linux systems.

Before the icons, menus, and wobbly windows of the modern Linux user environment, users managed and interacted with their systems from the command line. Many advanced users still prefer to work from the keyboard, and many will tell you that exploring the command-line environment is the best way to build a deeper understanding of Linux.

The Linux Shell Handbook is a thorough primer on the Bourne Again Shell (Bash) environment found on most Linux systems. You’ll learn to navigate, manipulate text, work with regular expressions, and customize your Bash settings. We’ll show you shell utilities for configuring hardware, setting up users and groups, managing processes, and installing software – and we’ll even help you get started creating your own Bash scripts to automate recurring tasks. Keep the Linux Shell Handbook beside your computer as a permanent desktop reference on the world of the terminal window.

Also in this must-have special issue:

  • Introducing Bash
  • File Management
  • Search Tools
  • Regular Expressions
  • Pipes and Redirection
  • Customizing Bash
  • Text Manipulation Tools
  • Hardware Configuration
  • fdisk, gdisk, and parted
  • Configuring Filesystems
  • mount and fstab
  • Time Tools
  • Users and Groups
  • Accessing Permissions
  • su and sudo
  • DNF and Yum
  • Managing Processes
  • apt-get
  • dd and mkmisofs/genisoimage/xorrisofs
  • Networking Tools
  • SSH
  • FTP
  • Rsync
  • Wireless
  • Cron and At
  • Bash Scripting
  • Images and PDFs
  • Next Steps – Linux Certification

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Issue 28: GIMP Handbook 4th Ed. Jan 2017

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Cover Theme: GIMP Handbook

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This single issue is a complete guide to the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), a remarkable photo editing tool that is available for free for all recent versions of Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.

The DVD included in this issue contains GIMP installation files for Windows and Mac systems (look in the /gimp directory). GIMP comes pre-installed on most Linux systems. If you would like to compile GIMP yourself using the freely available source code, see the article on page 6.

For more on obtaining GIMP, visit downloads.

Get Started

  • Installing GIMP
  • GIMP 2.9
  • Exploring GIMP
  • Settings
  • Basic Functions


  • Layers
  • Selection
  • Colors
  • Paths
  • Text and Logos

Photo Processing

  • Sharpening
  • Light and Shadow
  • Retouch
  • GIMP Maps


  • G'MIC
  • UFRaw
  • Painting
  • Fine Art HDR Processing
  • Animation with GIMP

Issue 27: Raspberry Pi Adventures 2nd Ed. Apr 2016

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Cover Theme: Raspberry Pi Adventures: Easy Lessons in Computing for a New Generation of Hackers and Makers

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This single issue is your guide to the Raspberry Pi experience!

If you’ve always wanted to experience the Raspberry Pi, but you don’t want to wade through pages of complicated documentation, you’ve picked up the right magazine! Raspberry Pi Adventures offers an insightful collection of fun, informative, and easy projects for Raspberry Pi users of all ages.

The articles in this issue are written for curious beginners who want to learn about computers and are ready to explore the wonders of the Raspberry Pi. You’ll travel deep into the Raspberry Pi experience, exploring the amazing $35 computer in all its most popular roles. Learn about web servers by building your own home website. Use the Raspberry Pi camera to create a time-lapse video recording. Get started with computer programming, first with easy tools like Turtle Art and Scratch, and then with your first steps in the powerful Python language, a favorite of programmers around the world.

Many Pi experts believe the real fun is creating electronics projects that light up lights, start motors, and ring bells. We’ll give you a thorough introduction to Raspberry Pi electronics and help you get started using a cobbler, breadboard, and other electronics tools. You’ll also learn to create animations in Scratch, and you’ll get the chance to make some music with the amazing Sonic Pi, a music tool created specially for Raspberry Pi environments.

Adventurers get ready! Let the journey begin…

  • On the DVD: Raspbian Jessie
  • Get Started: Before you start your first adventure, you'll need to set up your Raspberry Pi and install the operating system.
  • Discover Raspbian: Customize your system, work with the terminal, and install new applications on your Raspberry Pi.
  • Web Server: Install a web server on your Raspberry Pi and build a simple website.
  • Pi Camera: Control a camera with your Raspberry Pi.
  • Turtle Art: Take your first programming steps with turtle graphics.
  • Scratch: Scratch makes programming fun and easy. We'll show you how to to Draw, animate, and create a shark attack game.
  • Python Programming: Now that you’ve tried Turtle Art and Scratch, we’ll show you how to work with the powerful Python programming language.
  • Electronics: Build a scoreboard while you explore the breadboard and discover other tools for integrating your Pi with electrical circuits.
  • Scratch Animation: Use Scratch’s built-in graphics editor to create animations for a racing game.
  • SonicPi: Make music and explore the world of digital sound with Sonic Pi.

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Issue 25: Raspberry Pi Handbook 4th Ed. Feb 2016

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Cover Theme: Raspberry Pi Handbook 4th Ed.

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Welcome to the Raspberry Pi Handbook, a single-volume bookazine with all you need to install, configure, and discover the amazing Raspberry Pi computer. Read on for a gallery of exciting projects that highlight the best features of the Raspberry Pi environment...

The Raspberry Pi Handbook is an easy and accessible, hands-on reference for the amazing $35 Raspberry Pi computer.

You'll start with a look at how to order, assemble, and outfit your Raspberry Pi system. We'll show you some basic skills for finding your way around in Raspberry Pi's Raspbian OS, then you'll explore the secrets of Raspberry Pi configuration with a collection of cool projects that put your Pi to work as a media center, photo server, game server, web server, hardware controller, and much more.

Additional chapters round out this comprehensive introduction to the Raspberry Pi experience:

Get Started

- First Steps
- Understanding Linux


- Raspbian LXDE
- NOOBS 1.4
- Pi Software
- Scratch Programming

Server Tricks

- Pi File and Print Servers
- A Pi Web Server
- Kodi Media Center
- Remote Access

Hardware Hacks

- Interfacing for Beginners
- Steady Hands
- IR Remote
- I2C Bus: Basics
- BrickPi

More Fun

- The Rasp Pi Display
- Retro Gaming on the Pi
- Rasp Pi Camera Module
- Programming the GPIO
- Mathematica on the Pi

Issue 13: Powerhouse Perl 2nd Ed. Apr 2013

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Cover Theme: Powerhouse Perl

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Power up your Perl Productivity! New to Perl? Check out our comprehensive introduction by Perl expert Randal L. Schwartz. Perlmeister Mike Schilli explains how to optimize and debug your Perl scripts, then he'll help you advance your Perl know-how with 11 cool Perl projects:

  • Math Tricks: Solve math problems with Perl
  • Daily Tip: Perl with an SQLite database
  • AJAX: Add dynamic updates to web pages
  • isp-switch: Switch your computer to another ISP if your connection goes down
  • MAC Addresses: Monitor your network for unfamiliar MAC addresses
  • Multimeter: Read and interpret data from an external device
  • Google Chart: Create custom graphs
  • Twitter: Help your scripts send Tweets
  • Webcam: Control a web camera with Perl
  • Perl Gardening: Water your house plants with a little help from Perl
  • GPS: Extract data from a GPS device and plot it on a Yahoo! map

Issue 08: ADMIN Active Directory Jun 2010

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Cover Theme: Active Directory at the Command Line

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Do you take care of a network – large or small? Are you the one the users call when they have problems with email or can’t reach a website? Are you embroiled in questions of how to subdivide and when to virtualize? Do you keep watch over a server farm? Do you patrol the perimeter, managing firewall configurations and looking for gaps that would let an intruder inside? Are you the one who answers to the suits, bridging the technical divide between the server room and the board room with
practical advice on where to go and how to grow in the changing world of information technology?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, look inside. Admin: Network and Security is all about the real world of system administration. You’ll find detailed, practical articles on topics such as security, network monitoring, clustering, and troubleshooting – for admins who manage Windows, Linux, Unix, and Solaris systems in heterogeneous environments. In these pages, you’ll learn about some new features of the Windows PowerShell that let you configure Windows Active Directory from the command line. We’ll show you how to rescue lost systems with Knoppix. We’ll tell you about spam on IP phone connections, show you how to save configuration time with a Linux-based software appliance, and describe the innovative Open-Solaris Zones virtualization environment.

Also included with this issue is a free double-sided DVD with Knoppix 6.3 Live Linux and the BackTrack penetration testing system. Take a fresh look at what you do every day with a special edition magazine that is all for admins.

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