Issue 45: Cool Linux Hacks Jun 2022

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Cover Theme: Cool Linux Hacks

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Improve your Linux skills with this cool collection of expert tips and shortcuts. 

This Linux Magazine Special Edition promises you “Cool Linux Hacks,” and we’ll certainly deliver. But what exactly is a hack? In today’s world where Windows is the dominant desktop operating system, the decision to use Linux is the first and most important hack.

See below for the complete list of hacks.

HACK 1 Obsidian: Note Taking App
HACK 2 Sioyek: PDF Viewer with vi-like Shortcuts
HACK 3 KeenWrite Technical Text Editor
HACK 4 AltSearch Extension: Replace the Internal Search Tool in LibreOffice Writer
HACK 5 Install the Diagram Editor Locally
HACK 6 Creating Long Documents with Styles
HACK 7 Search Office Files with uvgrep

HACK 8 Advanced Tracing with traceroute and LFT
HACK 9 Sync with the Maestral Dropbox Client
HACK 10 LANDrop Ad Hoc File Sharing
HACK 11 Xtreme Download Manager
HACK 12 EasyNAS Is a NAS for the Masses
HACK 13 DIY Network Configuration
HACK 14 Use Network Manager's CLI
HACK 15 Run a Simple HTTP Server: weborf
HACK 16 Use screen in SSH Sessions
HACK 17 Dig a Tunnel with sshuttle

HACK 18 Run VMs on a Proxmox Server
HACK 19 Use Docker Tools as Filters
HACK 20 Kaboxer Auto-Loads Docker Images
HACK 21 Launch Programs Inside a VirtualBox VM
HACK 22 The Good Old Days: Linux from the 1990s
HACK 23 Test Alternative CMSs with Docker
HACK 24 Run Binaries from a Different Linux Installation

Keep It Running
HACK 25 Plasma System Monitor
HACK 26 Guider Profiler and Monitor
HACK 27 Visualize ddrescue's Progress
HACK 28 Run dmesg with the Right Options
HACK 29 Get a Quick Machine Configuration Overview with inxi
HACK 30 Where Did You Mount That Disk?
HACK 31 System Monitoring with watch and fswatch
HACK 32 Parse the systemd journal with QJournalctl

HACK 33 projectM Audio Visualizer
HACK 34 AutoEQ Headphone Improver
HACK 35 KnobKraft Orm MIDI Librarian
HACK 36 Mixxx DJ Software
HACK 37 ChowTapeModel Tape Emulation
HACK 38 Surge XT Software Synthesizer
HACK 39 VCV Rack 2 Modular Synthesizer

Security & Privacy
HACK 40 Age: Master of the Keys
HACK 41 Securely Split Your Files with horcrux
HACK 42 OpenSnitch Application Firewall
HACK 43 Parrot OS Desktop Security
HACK 44 Install and Run Tor Browser
HACK 45 Permanently Wipe Files from Your Hard Disk
HACK 46 Disable Webcam and Microphone
HACK 47 Lock Your Screen, Always
HACK 48 Use ccrypt for Quick Encryption

Shell Hacks
HACK 49 Tabby Terminal Emulator
HACK 50 News Ticker
HACK 51 Google on the Command Line
HACK 52 xplr Terminal File Explorer
HACK 53 Use bat, Not cat
HACK 54 plocate Modern Search Tool
HACK 55 Configure Your Shell History
HACK 56 Progress Bars for Standard Tools
HACK 57 Replace top with htop
HACK 58 Highlighting Instead of Grepping
HACK 59 Cool Retro Term Brings Back the 80s
HACK 60 The fish Shell
HACK 61 Universal Unpacker
HACK 62 Start the Right App

Working with Code
HACK 63 Control Git with the lazygit Client
HACK 64 Try the New Lapce Code Editor
HACK 65 CudaText Text Editor
HACK 66 Mix Python and Shell Commands
HACK 67 Textadept Works in Graphics and Text Mode
HACK 68 Perform Dynamic Code Analysis with SystemTap
HACK 69 Replace hexdump with a Colorful Tool
HACK 70 Manage Your git Repository with GRV
HACK 71 Run C Code from the Command Line
HACK 72 Making git Interactive
HACK 73 Count Lines of Code in Your Project
HACK 74 Fix Disturbing Indentation and More

HACK 75 Run the Gamebuntu Setup Script
HACK 76 SDLPoP: Prince of Persia Clone
HACK 77 Sonic Robo Blast 2
HACK 78 Teeworlds Multiplayer Shooting Platformer
HACK 79 Run Old DOS Games with DOSBox
HACK 80 Crispy Doom Clone
HACK 81 UnCiv Strategy Game
HACK 82 Space Station 14
HACK 83 Explore, Expand, Exterminate: Play Star Ruler 2
HACK 84 Lutris Gaming Platform

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Issue 44_SI: MakerSpace #02 Apr 2022

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Cover Theme: MakerSpace #02

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Hands-On Projects for Makers

Welcome to MakerSpace 2, an all-new collection of exciting, hands-on projects for you or the maker in your life. If you're new to MakerSpace, here's a short overview of what we do. This is a computer magazine, but we're not talking about the latest Apple computers or Windows or Linux boxes -- or about Android or iOS smartphones and tablets, either. This is about technology that you can use to build your own stuff. It is where you can let your ideas materialize.


Light Painting
Light painting is a technique that exposes a subject over a period of time while moving the light sources. With a little technical support from a Raspberry Pi Pico, you can achieve sophisticated results.

DIY Boombox
A HiFiBerry HAT and a Raspberry Pi combine with two old speakers to create a contemporary boombox.

Deluxe Web Radio
An LCD, a self-designed housing, and matching software make a simple Raspberry Pi web radio the perfect centerpiece for any living room.

ESP8266 for WiFi Sniffing
The ESP8266 is in the core of many IoT devices. Thanks to ESP8266 sniffer mode, you can monitor the WiFi medium for diagnostics and optimization.

This programmable audio platform offers incredible performance -- but you'll need a BeagleBone Black.

Digital Spirit Level
The small MPU6050 sensor contains a gyroscope and an accelerometer, which means that you can build a digital spirit level with it.

Miniature Photography
Exploring miniature photography with a web camera and a Raspberry Pi.
Saltwater Battery
Rechargeable lithium batteries are expensive, and manufacturing them damages the environment. Saltwater batteries offer a cheaper and greener approach to storing energy.

Kitchen Kiosk
Create a kiosk display from an old eReader to show data culled from home automation, Raspberry Pis, and Arduinos.

Repurposed Router Projects
If you have an old router lying around, you can put it to good use with a few easy projects and learn something along the way.

Save Your Expired Chromebook
GalliumOS "Bismuth" will keep your Chromebook healthy after its expiration date.
OpenPLC on a Raspberry Pi
Create automation projects with ladder logic, function blocks, structured text, and Modbus TCP.

Pi Control of USB Devices
Command-line tools and Node-RED on a Raspberry Pi let you control projects that use the USB ports.

CO2 Sensors
The CO2 content of indoor air is a clue to its quality. Setting up a simple sensor will tell you when it's time to open the windows.
Sharpin Pro
Playing pinball on the computer just isn't the same -- unless you have a Sharpin virtual pinball machine.

To write programs in BASIC, you just need a machine that can run a BASIC interpreter. We showcase a few options, from old home computers to FPGA-based machines to emulator programs.

The Raspberry Pi 400 is the closest you can get to the wedge-shaped home computers of the 1980s. Add a C64 emulator, and the combination of new and old lets you dive into old-school programming and gaming.

PiMiga 2.0
Convert a Raspberry Pi into a retro computer that behaves like the Amiga 500.

Issue 44: Linux Shell Handbook 2022 Edition Jan 2022

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Cover Theme: Supercharge Your Linux Skills

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Think like the experts: The powerful Bash shell provides a comprehensive collection of utilities for configuring and troubleshooting Linux systems.

Before the icons, menus, and wobbly windows of the modern Linux user environment, users managed and interacted with their systems from the command line. Many advanced users still prefer to work from the keyboard, and many will tell you that exploring the command-line environment is the best way to build a deeper understanding of Linux.

The Linux Shell Handbook is a thorough primer on the Bourne Again Shell (Bash) environment found on most Linux systems. You’ll learn to navigate, manipulate text, work with regular expressions, and customize your Bash settings. We’ll show you shell utilities for configuring hardware, setting up users and groups, managing processes, and installing software – and we’ll even help you get started creating your own Bash scripts to automate recurring tasks. Keep the Linux Shell Handbook beside your computer as a permanent desktop reference on the world of the terminal window.

Also in this must-have special issue:

  • Introducing Bash
  • File Management
  • Search Tools
  • Regular Expressions
  • Pipes and Redirection
  • Customizing Bash
  • Text Manipulation Tools
  • Hardware Configuration
  • fdisk, gdisk, and parted
  • Configuring Filesystems
  • mount and fstab
  • Time Tools
  • Users and Groups
  • Accessing Permissions
  • su and sudo
  • systemd
  • Managing Processes
  • Package Management
  • dd and mkmisofs/genisoimage/xorrisofs
  • Networking Tools
  • SSH
  • Rsync
  • Wireless
  • Cron and At
  • Bash Scripting
  • Images and PDFs

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Issue 43_SI: LibreOffice Expert Dec 2021

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Cover Theme: LibreOffice Expert

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Dive deep into the world's greatest free office suite

Get Started

Why pay for an office productivity suite? LibreOffice is totally free, and it runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

LibreOffice Writer
Writer, LibreOffice's word-processor component, is more than just a text editor. With its powerful styles system, you can build detailed and elegant documents for business and personal use.

LibreOffice Calc
LibreOffice Calc offers the functionality of Excel with added benefits.

LibreOffice Impress
Need to impress your boss with the latest sales stats? Or just show off some holiday photos in an eye-catching format? Impress is the tool you need.

LibreOffice Draw
With LibreOffice Draw, you can create attractive and informative vector-based drawings.

LibreOffice Base
We show you how to set up a database in LibreOffice Base and search it with SQL queries embedded in forms.

LibreOffice Math
The LibreOffice Math package lets you display simple and complex formulas

Get Productive

LibreOffice Extensions
You can extend the power of LibreOffice with over 350 useful extensions.

LibreOffice Templates
LibreOffice templates can save you time with formatting your documents, so you can focus on the important stuff.

LibreOffice Macros
LibreOffice packs a built-in Basic-like scripting language that can be used to automate repetitive tasks and extend the suite's default functionality.

Digital Signatures
By adding a digital signature, you can boost your document's security.

AltSearch offers extended functionality to LibreOffice Write's default find and replace tools, making it ideal for editing and formatting longer documents.

Tips & Tricks
Once you're familiar with LibreOffice's main components, you can optimize your use of LibreOffice with these tips and tricks.

Hidden Gems of LibreOffice
Discover some hidden and lesser known LibreOffice features.


Open Document Format
The Open Document Format standard is an important reason for the success of LibreOffice.

You may have heard that LibreOffice files "are XML-based" or "use XML," but when you try to open a Writer document in a text editor, you only see a binary blob. Learn how to access and modify the hidden XML content using scripts.

LibreOffice Typography
LibreOffice Writer is a serviceable desktop publisher with more typography features than most users imagine.

LibreOffice Community
Who makes LibreOffice? How does everyone work together? And what are they working on? Here's an update on what's happening in the global LibreOffice community.

Issue 43: Getting Started with Linux – Oct 2021

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Cover Theme: Getting Started with Linux – 2021 Edition

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More Powerful, More Secure, More Fun!

“Getting Started with Linux” offers you all you need to install and explore the powerful Linux operating system. Join the Linux revolution!

Getting Started

Installing openSUSE
We show you how to install Linux using the openSUSE Leap DVD attached to this issue. Whether you keep an old operating system (and create a multi-boot machine) or wipe the old system, is your choice.

Configuring Your System
The openSUSE control center (YaST) lets you perform several tasks, from installing software and adding new users, to setting up complex services.

Lock down your system and tweak your security settings with openSUSE's on-board tools.

Plasma Desktop
OpenSUSE's KDE Plasma desktop is not only pretty, it is also piled high with cool features.

Linux Crash Course
A tour of some important Linux concepts will help you start to think like an experienced user.


Multimedia Players
Watch videos, play music, and stream Internet radio stations.

Virtual Windows 11
If you need a Windows app on Linux, you don’t have to boot Windows. Just run Windows in a VirtualBox window.

Bag of Tricks
From updating to the latest version of Firefox and making USB storage devices work to restoring your system to an earlier state, we bring you practical advice.

End of Life
Learn why you should upgrade your Linux installation when it reaches its "End of Life."


KDE's Personal Information Managers
KDE Plasma's PIM tools help you organize your contacts, calendars, and email efficiently.

Manage your photo collection with this useful desktop tool.

For many users, the web browser is the most important application.

LibreOffice is an open source office suite with a word processor, database, spreadsheet, presentation tool, and more.

Photo Processing with Gimp
Touch up your digital images with the Gimp image processing tool.


Games on Linux
Linux supports a variety of games and game platforms.

Fun With Docker
Docker is an important tool in the virtualization world. But there's also a fun side to it. For example, you can run old games in Docker containers.

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Issue 42_SI: MakerSpace #01 Sep 2021

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Cover Theme: MakerSpace

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Hands-On Projects for Makers

Dive into:

  • Raspberry Pi
  • Arduino
  • Retro gaming

Although Maker­Space is a computer magazine, we're not going to talk about Windows or Linux or the latest Apple computers, and we won't be delving into the details of Android or iOS smart­phones. Instead, Maker­Space focuses on technology that you can use to build your own stuff. Our goal is to help you turn your ideas into reality.


WS2812 LEDs
Control a matrix of WS2812 LEDs with the Raspberry Pi.

Lunchbox Portable Pi
A lunchbox-style portable Raspberry Pi computer provides external control for a steampunk robotic skull.

Christmas Tinkering
Make your own Christmas music box with a microcontroller, servomotor, NeoPixel LED ring, and mini-MP3 player.

Escape Room Puzzle
A digital puzzle presents a challenge for young people in an escape room.

ioBroker + Rasp Pi
Control home automation devices from various manufacturers with a single interface by combining free software and a Raspberry Pi.

Kitchen Timer
A simple kitchen helper with two timers assists budding chefs in coping with dishes that are unlikely to be ready at the same time.

Instrumented Garden
Place long-range wireless sensors in a garden and keep track of ambient conditions with gauges and time-based graphs.

Tools & Development

The CircuitPython run-time environment runs on almost all microcomputers and microcontrollers, making it perfect for cross-platform programming.

Control a headless Raspberry Pi from your smartphone.

Deep Dive

Pi Zero USB Gadget
Turn a Pi Zero into a universal USB flash drive that emulates storage, a serial port, Ethernet, and more.

Serial Communications
We explore serial communications, from the electrical specs to protocols and libraries and provide an example of serial communication with an Arduino.

Linux from Scratch on a Pi
The detLFS project helps you compile Linux from source code -- either to explore the system or to prepare for a project with special requirements.

Retro Computing & FPGA

Bring back old games from more than 50 classic game consoles.

Lakka Linux comes with everything you need to play retro games -- and you can even install games directly in the user interface. All you need is a Raspberry Pi and, ideally, a simple gamepad.

FPGA Home Computers
If you're not satisfied with your current operating system, you can update to a new release or switch to a different distro. Imagine if you could do the same with your hardware, at zero cost. It turns out that you can, thanks to FPGA chips, which have become popular in the retro-gaming community.

MEGA65 Home Computer
The MEGA65, an FPGA-based C65 clone, promises to become a modern successor to the Commodore C64, one of the most successful machines of the 8-bit home computer era.

Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next
Back in the '80s, the Zilog Z80 was a powerful processor, and the home computers of the Sinclair ZX Spectrum series made good use of it. Today it can be hard to find a Speccy in good condition, but a specialized FPGA computer saves the day: We present the Sinclair ZX Spectrum Next.

Issue 42: 101 Cool Linux Hacks Jun 2021

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Cover Theme: 101 Cool Linux Hacks

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Improve your Linux skills with this cool collection of expert tips and shortcuts. 

Our 101 hacks include ingenious tools, techniques, and shell commands for customizing your desktop, repairing your system, improving privacy, working with code, and more!

Turn to any page and you'll find a useful trick that will save you time and enhance your system. For instance:

  • Reset your Linux with Resetter
  • Undelete lost files
  • Repair your bootloader
  • Zoom in on your desktop
  • Cure the caps lock disease
  • Run C one-liners in the shell
  • Transfer files with Magic Wormhole
  • Disable your webcam and mic

See below for the complete list of hacks.

Desktop Modding
Hack 1 Curing the Caps Lock Disease
Hack 2 Latte Dock: The Best Dock for KDE
Hack 3 KDE Window Hacking
Hack 4 Global Menu for KDE Programs
Hack 5 Save Storage with Advanced Image Formats
Hack 6 Zoom Everything on Your Screen
Hack 7 Zoom into the Gnome Desktop
Hack 8 Use Virtual Desktops, Memorize the Hotkeys
Hack 9 Caffeine Helps Your Linux PC Stay Awake
Hack 10 What Would That Resolution Look Like?

Getting Stuff Done
Hack 11 Find Your Files with DocFetcher
Hack 12 Organize Your Ideas with Zim, the Desktop Wiki
Hack 13 Track Time with Chrono
Hack 14 Launch Programs Inside a VirtualBox VM
Hack 15 Create a Cheap Timer with sleep
Hack 16 Finding and Installing Online Fonts
Hack 17 Sync Up Your Phone and Linux Desktop
Hack 18 Self-Organization with GTG

Keep It Running
Hack 19 Clone It with Clonezilla
Hack 20 Write ISOs to USB Sticks
Hack 21 All You Need to Know About inxi
Hack 22 Repair Your Bootloader
Hack 23 Cleaning House with Stacer
Hack 24 Reset Your Debian-Based Distribution
Hack 25 Repair the Debian Package Database
Hack 26 Learn the vi Editor Basics
Hack 27 Follow File Updates
Hack 28 Monitor Your System in a Terminal
Hack 29 Visualize ddrescue's Progress
Hack 30 Run dmesg with the Right Options
Hack 31 Where Did You Mount That Disk?

Security & Privacy
Hack 32 Install and Run Tor Browser
Hack 33 Permanently Wipe Files from Your Hard Disk
Hack 34 Disable Webcam and Microphone
Hack 35 Disable Password-Based SSH Logins
Hack 36 Encrypt Your Emails with GPG
Hack 37 Enhancing Security with sudo Options
Hack 38 Use Two-Factor Authentication with Authenticator
Hack 39 Start Your Training with Web Security Dojo
Hack 40 Lock Your Screen, Always
Hack 41 Use ccrypt for Quick Encryption

Hack 42 Monitor Your Network with Nutty
Hack 43 DIY Network Configuration
Hack 44 Share Files on the Local Network
Hack 45 Dig a Tunnel with sshuttle
Hack 46 Send Files Without Knowing the Target's IP
Hack 47 Check Your DNS Server with DNSDiag
Hack 48 Run a Simple HTTP Server: weborf
Hack 49 Use screen in SSH Sessions
Hack 50 Access a Remote PC's Shell Session
Hack 51 Slow sudo? Check Your Hostname Configuration
Hack 52 Use Network Manager's CLI

Shell Hacks
Hack 53 Configure Your Shell History
Hack 54 Progress Bars for Standard Tools
Hack 55 Replace top with htop
Hack 56 Super-Fast Terminal Emulator
Hack 57 Universal Unpacker
Hack 58 Listing Files with Style
Hack 59 ASCII Browsing with Browsh
Hack 60 Command References at
Hack 61 Highlighting Instead of Grepping
Hack 62 Add File Type Icons to Your File Listing
Hack 63 Upterm, a Terminal with Built-In†Shell
Hack 64 The fish Shell
Hack 65 Using a Sub-Shell
Hack 66 Start the Right App

Publish or Perish
Hack 67 Install the Diagram Editor Locally
Hack 68 Record Screencasts with Peek
Hack 69 Edit Your Videos with VidCutter
Hack 70 Creating Long Documents with Styles
Hack 71 Editing HTML with Live Preview in Brackets
Hack 72 Free Wildcard X.509 Certificates for Your Domain
Hack 73 Test Alternative CMSs with Docker
Hack 74 How Fast Is Your Server?

Deep Hacks
Hack 75 Safely Powering Off Your Machine
Hack 76 Make Files Immutable or Append-Only
Hack 77 Mount tar.gz and zip Archives
Hack 78 Recover Deleted Files with PhotoRec and TestDisk
Hack 79 Change Root into Second Distro
Hack 80 Bind Mount a Directory with New Permissions
Hack 81 Run Binaries from a Different Linux Installation
Hack 82 Don't Be So Case-Sensitive

Working with Code
Hack 83 Run C Code from the Command Line
Hack 84 Edit Binary Files with hx
Hack 85 Edit Your Text Files with Textosaurus
Hack 86 Manage Your git Repository with GRV
Hack 87 Make git Interactive
Hack 88 Replace hexdump with a Colorful Tool
Hack 89 Reverse Engineering with Cutter
Hack 90 Textadept Works in Graphics and Text Mode
Hack 91 Perform Dynamic Code Analysis with SystemTap
Hack 92 Count Lines of Code in Your Project
Hack 93 Fix Disturbing Indentation and More

Having Fun
Hack 94 Interesting Terminal Output for Your Visitors
Hack 95 Scan the Network Like a Script Kiddie
Hack 96 Drive Your Moon Lander -- in ASCII!
Hack 97 Run Your Own BBS
Hack 98 Explore, Expand, Exterminate: Play Star Ruler 2
Hack 99 Edit Files Like It's the 90s Again
Hack 100 Read Old Unix Books
Hack 101 Pick a Retro Screensaver

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Issue 41: Linux Shell Handbook 2021 Edition Jan 2021

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Digital Issue: Price $15.99
(incl. VAT)

Cover Theme: Supercharge Your Linux Skills

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Think like the experts: The powerful Bash shell provides a comprehensive collection of utilities for configuring and troubleshooting Linux systems.

Before the icons, menus, and wobbly windows of the modern Linux user environment, users managed and interacted with their systems from the command line. Many advanced users still prefer to work from the keyboard, and many will tell you that exploring the command-line environment is the best way to build a deeper understanding of Linux.

The Linux Shell Handbook is a thorough primer on the Bourne Again Shell (Bash) environment found on most Linux systems. You’ll learn to navigate, manipulate text, work with regular expressions, and customize your Bash settings. We’ll show you shell utilities for configuring hardware, setting up users and groups, managing processes, and installing software – and we’ll even help you get started creating your own Bash scripts to automate recurring tasks. Keep the Linux Shell Handbook beside your computer as a permanent desktop reference on the world of the terminal window.

Also in this must-have special issue:

  • Introducing Bash
  • File Management
  • Search Tools
  • Regular Expressions
  • Pipes and Redirection
  • Customizing Bash
  • Text Manipulation Tools
  • Hardware Configuration
  • fdisk, gdisk, and parted
  • Configuring Filesystems
  • mount and fstab
  • Time Tools
  • Users and Groups
  • Accessing Permissions
  • su and sudo
  • Managing Processes
  • systemd
  • Package Management
  • dd and mkmisofs/genisoimage/xorrisofs
  • Networking Tools
  • SSH
  • FTP
  • Rsync
  • Wireless
  • Cron and At
  • Bash Scripting
  • Images and PDFs

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Issue 40: LibreOffice – 2020 Edition Nov 2020

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Cover Theme: LibreOffice

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Free Office Suite

Explore the free office suite used by busy professionals around the world!

Get Started

Introducing LibreOffice
Why pay for an office productivity suite? LibreOffice is totally free, and it runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

LibreOffice Writer
Writer, LibreOffice's word-processor component, is more than just a text editor. With its powerful styles system, you can build detailed and elegant documents for business and personal use.

LibreOffice Calc
LibreOffice Calc offers the functionality of Excel with added benefits.

LibreOffice Impress
Need to impress your boss with the latest sales stats? Or just show off some holiday photos in an eye-catching format? Impress is the tool you need.

LibreOffice Draw
With LibreOffice Draw, you can create attractive and informative vector-based drawings.

LibreOffice Base
We show you how to set up a database in LibreOffice Base and search it with SQL queries embedded in forms.

LibreOffice Math
The LibreOffice Math package lets you display simple and complex formulas.

Get Productive

Open Document Format
The Open Document Format standard is an important reason for the success of LibreOffice.

LibreOffice Extensions
You can extend the power of LibreOffice with over 350 useful extensions.

LibreOffice Templates
LibreOffice templates can save you time with formatting your documents, so you can focus on the important stuff.

LibreOffice Macros
LibreOffice packs a built-in Basic-like scripting language that can be used to automate repetitive tasks and extend the suite's default functionality.

LibreOffice Typography
LibreOffice Writer is a serviceable desktop publisher with more typography features than most users imagine.

Digital Signatures
By adding a digital signature, you can boost your document's security.

You may have heard that LibreOffice files "are XML-based" or "use XML," but when you try to open a Writer document in a text editor, you only see a binary blob. Learn how to access and modify the hidden XML content using scripts.

Hidden Gems of LibreOffice
Discover some hidden and lesser known LibreOffice features.


LibreOffice Community
Who makes LibreOffice? How does everyone work together? And what are they working on? Here's an update on what's happening in the global LibreOffice community.

Get Involved
Join the LibreOffice community and help to improve the software. You don't need to be a programmer; there are lots of ways to dive in and build your skills!

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Issue 39: Getting Started with Linux – Aug 2020

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Digital Issue: Price $15.99
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Cover Theme: Getting Started with Linux – 2020 Edition

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More Powerful, More Secure, More Fun!

“Getting Started with Linux” offers you all you need to install and explore the powerful Linux operating system. Join the Linux revolution!

Getting Started

Installing openSUSE
We show you how to install Linux using the openSUSE Leap DVD attached to this issue. Whether you keep an old operating system (and create a multi-boot machine) or wipe the old system, is your choice.

Configuring Your System
The openSUSE control center (YaST) lets you perform several tasks, from installing software and adding new users, to setting up complex services.

Lock down your system and tweak your security settings with openSUSE's on-board tools.

Plasma Desktop
OpenSUSE's KDE Plasma desktop is not only pretty, it is also piled high with cool features.

Linux Crash Course
A tour of some important Linux concepts will help you start to think like an experienced user.


Multimedia Players
Watch videos, play music, and stream Internet radio stations.

Run Your Windows Programs With "Wine"
Linux lets you handle most tasks with native apps but sometimes there's a special program that needs Windows: Try running it on Linux with a Windows compatibility layer.

Bag of Tricks
From updating to the latest version of Firefox and making USB storage devices work to restoring your system to an earlier state, we bring you practical advice.

End of Life
Learn why you should upgrade your Linux installation when it reaches its "End of Life."


KDE's Personal Information Managers
KDE Plasma's PIM tools help you organize your contacts, calendars, and email efficiently.

Manage your photo collection with this useful desktop tool.

For many users, the web browser is the most important application.

LibreOffice Office Suite
LibreOffice is an open source office suite with a word processor, database, spreadsheet, presentation tool, and more.

Photo Processing with Gimp
Touch up your digital images with the Gimp image processing tool.


Games on Linux
Linux supports a variety of games and game platforms.

Fun With Docker
Docker is an important tool in the virtualization world. But there's also a fun side to it. For example, you can run old games in Docker containers.

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Issue 38: 101 Cool Linux Hacks Jan 2020

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Digital Issue: Price $15.99
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Cover Theme: 101 Cool Linux Hacks

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Improve your Linux skills with this cool collection of expert tips and shortcuts. 

Our 101 hacks include ingenious tools, techniques, and shell commands for customizing your desktop, repairing your system, improving privacy, working with code, and more!

Turn to any page and you'll find a useful trick that will save you time and enhance your system. For instance:

  • Reset your Linux with Resetter
  • Undelete lost files
  • Repair your bootloader
  • Zoom in on your desktop
  • Cure the caps lock disease
  • Run C one-liners in the shell
  • Transfer files with Magic Wormhole
  • Disable your webcam and mic

See below for the complete list of hacks.

Desktop Modding
Hack 1 Curing the Caps Lock Disease
Hack 2 Latte Dock: The Best Dock for KDE
Hack 3 KDE Window Hacking
Hack 4 Global Menu for KDE Programs
Hack 5 Save Storage with Advanced Image Formats
Hack 6 Zoom Everything on Your Screen
Hack 7 Zoom into the Gnome Desktop
Hack 8 Use Virtual Desktops, Memorize the Hotkeys
Hack 9 Caffeine Helps Your Linux PC Stay Awake
Hack 10 What Would That Resolution Look Like?

Getting Stuff Done
Hack 11 Find Your Files with DocFetcher
Hack 12 Organize Your Ideas with Zim, the Desktop Wiki
Hack 13 Track Time with Chrono
Hack 14 Launch Programs Inside a VirtualBox VM
Hack 15 Create a Cheap Timer with sleep
Hack 16 Finding and Installing Online Fonts
Hack 17 Sync Up Your Phone and Linux Desktop
Hack 18 Self-Organization with GTG

Keep It Running
Hack 19 Clone It with Clonezilla
Hack 20 Write ISOs to USB Sticks
Hack 21 All You Need to Know About inxi
Hack 22 Repair Your Bootloader
Hack 23 Cleaning House with Stacer
Hack 24 Reset Your Debian-Based Distribution
Hack 25 Repair the Debian Package Database
Hack 26 Learn the vi Editor Basics
Hack 27 Follow File Updates
Hack 28 Monitor Your System in a Terminal
Hack 29 Visualize ddrescue's Progress
Hack 30 Run dmesg with the Right Options
Hack 31 Where Did You Mount That Disk?

Security & Privacy
Hack 32 Install and Run Tor Browser
Hack 33 Permanently Wipe Files from Your Hard Disk
Hack 34 Disable Webcam and Microphone
Hack 35 Disable Password-Based SSH Logins
Hack 36 Encrypt Your Emails with GPG
Hack 37 Enhancing Security with sudo Options
Hack 38 Use Two-Factor Authentication with Authenticator
Hack 39 Start Your Training with Web Security Dojo
Hack 40 Lock Your Screen, Always
Hack 41 Use ccrypt for Quick Encryption

Hack 42 Monitor Your Network with Nutty
Hack 43 DIY Network Configuration
Hack 44 Share Files on the Local Network
Hack 45 Dig a Tunnel with sshuttle
Hack 46 Send Files Without Knowing the Target's IP
Hack 47 Check Your DNS Server with DNSDiag
Hack 48 Run a Simple HTTP Server: weborf
Hack 49 Use screen in SSH Sessions
Hack 50 Access a Remote PC's Shell Session
Hack 51 Slow sudo? Check Your Hostname Configuration
Hack 52 Use Network Manager's CLI

Shell Hacks
Hack 53 Configure Your Shell History
Hack 54 Progress Bars for Standard Tools
Hack 55 Replace top with htop
Hack 56 Super-Fast Terminal Emulator
Hack 57 Universal Unpacker
Hack 58 Listing Files with Style
Hack 59 ASCII Browsing with Browsh
Hack 60 Command References at
Hack 61 Highlighting Instead of Grepping
Hack 62 Add File Type Icons to Your File Listing
Hack 63 Upterm, a Terminal with Built-In†Shell
Hack 64 The fish Shell
Hack 65 Using a Sub-Shell
Hack 66 Start the Right App

Publish or Perish
Hack 67 Install the Diagram Editor Locally
Hack 68 Record Screencasts with Peek
Hack 69 Edit Your Videos with VidCutter
Hack 70 Creating Long Documents with Styles
Hack 71 Editing HTML with Live Preview in Brackets
Hack 72 Free Wildcard X.509 Certificates for Your Domain
Hack 73 Test Alternative CMSs with Docker
Hack 74 How Fast Is Your Server?

Deep Hacks
Hack 75 Safely Powering Off Your Machine
Hack 76 Make Files Immutable or Append-Only
Hack 77 Mount tar.gz and zip Archives
Hack 78 Recover Deleted Files with PhotoRec and TestDisk
Hack 79 Change Root into Second Distro
Hack 80 Bind Mount a Directory with New Permissions
Hack 81 Run Binaries from a Different Linux Installation
Hack 82 Don't Be So Case-Sensitive

Working with Code
Hack 83 Run C Code from the Command Line
Hack 84 Edit Binary Files with hx
Hack 85 Edit Your Text Files with Textosaurus
Hack 86 Manage Your git Repository with GRV
Hack 87 Make git Interactive
Hack 88 Replace hexdump with a Colorful Tool
Hack 89 Reverse Engineering with Cutter
Hack 90 Textadept Works in Graphics and Text Mode
Hack 91 Perform Dynamic Code Analysis with SystemTap
Hack 92 Count Lines of Code in Your Project
Hack 93 Fix Disturbing Indentation and More

Having Fun
Hack 94 Interesting Terminal Output for Your Visitors
Hack 95 Scan the Network Like a Script Kiddie
Hack 96 Drive Your Moon Lander -- in ASCII!
Hack 97 Run Your Own BBS
Hack 98 Explore, Expand, Exterminate: Play Star Ruler 2
Hack 99 Edit Files Like It's the 90s Again
Hack 100 Read Old Unix Books
Hack 101 Pick a Retro Screensaver

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Issue 37: Discover LibreOffice – 2019 Edition Nov 2019

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Free Office Suite

Explore the free office suite used by busy professionals around the world!

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Introducing LibreOffice
Why pay for an office productivity suite? LibreOffice is totally free, and it runs on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

LibreOffice Writer
Writer, LibreOffice's word-processor component, is more than just a text editor. With its powerful styles system, you can build detailed and elegant documents for business and personal use.

LibreOffice Calc
LibreOffice Calc offers the functionality of Excel with added benefits.

LibreOffice Impress
Need to impress your boss with the latest sales stats? Or just show off some holiday photos in an eye-catching format? Impress is the tool you need.

LibreOffice Draw
With LibreOffice Draw, you can create attractive and informative vector-based drawings.

LibreOffice Base
We show you how to set up a database in LibreOffice Base and search it with SQL queries embedded in forms.

LibreOffice Math
The LibreOffice Math package lets you display simple and complex formulas.

Get Productive

Open Document Format
The Open Document Format standard is an important reason for the success of LibreOffice.

LibreOffice Extensions
You can extend the power of LibreOffice with over 350 useful extensions.

LibreOffice Templates
LibreOffice templates can save you time with formatting your documents, so you can focus on the important stuff.

LibreOffice Macros
LibreOffice packs a built-in Basic-like scripting language that can be used to automate repetitive tasks and extend the suite's default functionality.

LibreOffice Typography
LibreOffice Writer is a serviceable desktop publisher with more typography features than most users imagine.

Digital Signatures
By adding a digital signature, you can boost your document’s security.


Collabora Online
Collabora Online offers advantages over LibreOffice when it comes to remote collaboration and working in the cloud.

LibreOffice at Work

Can you use LibreOffice in a corporate environment? What potential problems will you need to consider?

Good communication and careful planning are the keys to a successful LibreOffice migration.

You may have heard that LibreOffice files "are XMLbased" or "use XML," but when you try to open a Writer document in a text editor, you only see a binary blob. Learn how to access and modify the hidden XML content using scripts.

Hidden Gems of LibreOffice
Discover some hidden and lesser known LibreOffice features.

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