Community News and Articles

Close to the {code} with Dell’s Josh Bernstein

NEWS: Community Matters free

How compilers work

COVER STORIES: Meticulous Transformer free

LINUX VOICE: How to Sell Open Source free

How the OpenStack community is shaping the new Pike release

REVIEWS: Changes at OpenStack free

Final Ubuntu Desktop 17.10 Beta Arrives


OpenChain Offers Open Source Specification, Education, and Conformance

OpenChain Specification


What makes software open source? What obligations does using a free license involve? Answers to such questions are available online but require research to find – or did until recently.

Microsoft Takes Skype for Linux Out of Alpha


The Linux Foundation Announces a New Board of Directors


How Free Software Got Its Fonts

A History of Open Source Fonts


With the advent of free software for non-programmers, users ran into a licensing dilemma in a world of proprietary fonts.

Crowd Supply Boosts Open Hardware

Crowd Supply


A small crowdfunding site is helping to boost the growth of open hardware businesses.

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