Security News and Articles

The sys admin’s daily grind: w3af

SYSADMIN: Braving the Gap

How to fix SSL

SYSADMIN: Who’s on First?

Google Takeout: viewing what Google knows about you

Off the Beat: Bruce Byfield's Blog


Separating the wheat from the chaff

SYSADMIN: Winnowing

Better Bash

Shell scripts from hell: Shebang


In the beginning was the double pound sign and the exclamation mark – or at least shell scripts always start this way. The inventor, Dennis Ritchie, really didn’t know how much pain this was going to cause users.

The sys admin’s daily grind: haveged Random Release

SYSADMIN: Random Release

KeePassDroid: Password Safe for Your Android Device

Productivity Sauce


SERVICE: Something

Logging and processing logs from Windows 7


Wireshark 1.6 Released

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