Security News and Articles

Back up your systems securely

SYSADMIN: System Rescue

OpenSSL with Bash

Using the OpenSSL toolkit with Bash


Cryptography is an important part of IT security, and OpenSSL is a well-known cryptography toolkit for Linux. Experts depend on OpenSSL because it is free, it has huge capabilities, and it’s easy to use in Bash scripts.

Configuring and using auditd

SYSADMIN: Super Secure

Rescue Me


When I was thinking about ways you could rescue your system with Linux, the thought occurred to me: Why not rescue your life? Because that’s what Linux can do for you.

How to Quickly Configure Wireless WPA Connection on Raspberry Pi

Productivity Sauce


Evaluating web frameworks

SYSADMIN: Abundance

A letter to a manager about security, databases and openness

Paw Prints: Writings of the maddog


Testing Password Quality

Creating secure passwords and testing their quality


Create secure passwords with the help of a password generator and check for quality at the same time.

Reading a packet capture file with Wireshark and tshark

COVER STORIES: Needle in Haystack

IPFire 2.11

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