Log file analysis with the Nagios check_logfiles plugin


Article from Issue 92/2008

The Nagios check_logfiles plugin helps you monitor your logfiles – even if the logs rotate and change names.

The Nagios monitoring tool is a general framework for watching things. Nagios lets you keep an eye on computers, processes, devices, and network services. Another thing Nagios can watch is logfiles. The Nagios plugin collection comes with a number of options for monitoring logs. The check_log and check_log2 plugins, for example, are popular with many admins; however, these plugins sometimes have problems in situations in which an application or script is rotating the logs. The tools tend to slip up occasionally and miss a couple of lines, which is something you can’t allow if you need 100% coverage. To close the gaps, the check_logfiles plugin was developed to check every single entry – even if a log moves, changes its name, or disappears into a compressed archive during the monitoring period.

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